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1:1.0.6-0.1.20150813git7e2caa2Lubomir Rintel - 1:1.0.4-2Lubomir Rintel - 1:1.0.4-1Dan Horák - 1:1.0.4-0.5.git20150713.38bf2cb0Lubomir Rintel - 1:1.0.4-0.4.git20150713.38bf2cb0Lubomir Rintel - 1:1.0.4-0.3.git20150707.e3bd4e1Jiří Klimeš - 1:1.0.4-0.2.git20150707.cf15f2aLubomir Rintel - 1:1.0.4-0.1.git20160624.f245b49aLubomir Rintel - 1:1.0.4-0.1.git20150618.8cffaf3bf5Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.0.2-1.1Lubomir Rintel - 1:1.0.2-1Jiří Klimeš - 1:1.0.1-2.git20150429Dan Williams - 1:1.0.1-1.git20150305Dan Williams - 1:1.0.0-7Dan Williams - 1:1.0.0-6Dan Williams - 1:1.0.0-5Adam Williamson - 1:1.0.0-4Thomas Haller - 1:1.0.0-3Dan Winship - 1:1.0.0-2Dan Williams - 1:1.0.0-1Jiří Klimeš - 1:ří Klimeš - 1: Winship - 1: Rintel 1: Rintel 1: Williamson - 1: Rintel 1: Walter - 1:ří Klimeš - 1: Robinson 1: Horák - 1: Release Engineering - 1: Lember - 1: Williams - 1: Lember - 1: Haller - Haller - Williams - Release Engineering - 1: Williams - Winship -ří Klimeš -ří Klimeš -ří Klimeš - Haller - Haller - 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0.9.0-1Ray Strode 0.8.9997-7.git20110721Dan Williams - 0.8.9997-6.git20110721Dan Williams - 0.8.9997-5.git20110702Dan Williams - 0.8.9997-4.git20110620Dan Williams - 0.8.9997-3.git20110613Dan Williams - 0.8.9997-2.git20110531Dan Williams - 0.8.9997-1.git20110531Dan Williams - 0.8.999-3.git20110526Dan Williams - 0.8.999-2.git20110509Dan Williams - 0.8.999-1Dan Williams - 0.8.998-4.git20110427Dan Williams - 0.8.998-3.git20110419Dan Williams - 0.8.998-2.git20110406Dan Williams - 0.8.998-1Dan Williams - 0.8.997-8.git20110331Dan Williams - 0.8.997-7.git20110330Christopher Aillon - 0.8.997-6.git20110328Dan Williams - 0.8.997-5.git20110328Dan Williams - 0.8.997-4.git20110325Dan Williams - 0.8.997-3.git20110324Dan Williams - 0.8.997-2.git20110324Dan Williams - 0.8.997-1Dan Williams - 0.8.996-1Dan Williams - 0.8.995-4.git20110308Dan Williams - 0.8.995-3.git20110308Matthias Clasen - 0.8.995-2.git20110308Dan Williams - 0.8.995-1.git20110308Matthias Clasen - 0.8.2-8.git20101117Fedora Release Engineering - 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0.8-1.git20100219Dan Williams - 0.8-0.4.git20100211Kevin Kofler - 0.8-0.3.git20100129Dan Williams - 0.8-0.2.git20100129Dan Williams - 0.8-0.1.git20100122Dan Williams - 0.7.999-2.git20100120Dan Williams - 0.7.999-1.git20100120Dan Williams - 0.7.998-1.git20100106Dan Williams - 0.7.997-2.git20091214Dan Williams - 0.7.997-1Dan Williams - 0.7.996-7.git20091113Dan Williams - 0.7.996-6.git20091021Dan Williams - 0.7.996-5.git20091021Dan Williams - 0.7.996-4.git20091002Dan Williams - 0.7.996-3.git20090928Matthias Clasen - 0.7.996-3.git20090921Dan Williams - 0.7.996-2.git20090921Dan Williams - 0.7.996-1.git20090826Dan Williams - 0.7.995-3.git20090813Bastien Nocera 0.7.995-2.git20090804Dan Williams - 0.7.995-1.git20090804Matthias Clasen - 0.7.995-1.git20090728Dan Williams - 0.7.995-0.git20090728Fedora Release Engineering - 1:0.7.1-9.git20090708Dan Williams - 0.7.1-8.git20090708Dan Williams - 0.7.1-7.git20090708Dan Williams - 0.7.1-6.git20090617Dan Williams - 0.7.1-5.git20090617Karsten Hopp 0.7.1-4.git20090414.1Adam Jackson 1:0.7.1-4.git20090414Dan Williams - 1:0.7.1-3.git20090414Dan Williams - 1:0.7.1-2.git20090414Dan Williams - 1:0.7.1-1Dan Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Release Engineering - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1: Williams - 1:0.7.0-2.git20090207Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-1.git20090102Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4296Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4295Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4293Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4229Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4201Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4175Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4174Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4022.4Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4022.3Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4022.2Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4022.1Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4022Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn3930Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn3927Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn3846Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn3830Matthias Clasen - 1:0.7.0-0.10.svn3801Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.10.svn3801Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.10.svn3747Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.4.svn3675Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.3.svn3675Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.3.svn3669Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.3.svn3667Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.3.svn3665Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.3.svn3623Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3623Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3622Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3620Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3619Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3614Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3590Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3578Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3571Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3570Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.2.svn3566Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3566Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3549Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3548Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3547Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3527Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3521Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3476Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3473Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3472Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3440Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.9.1.svn3417Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3417Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3370Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3369Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3319Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3312Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3302Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3261Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3235Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3204Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3181Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3180Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3138Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3134Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3133Jeremy Katz - 1:0.7.0-0.8.svn3109Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.6.svn3109Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.5.svn3109Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.5.svn3096Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.4.svn3096Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.3.svn3096Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.3.svn3094Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.2.svn3080Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.6.1.svn3030Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.5.svn3030Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.4.svn3030Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.4.svn3020Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn3020Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn3016Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn3014Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn3008Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2995Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2994Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2983Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2970Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2962Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2961Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2914Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2907Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2886Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2880Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2852Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2849Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.3.svn2844Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.2.svn2833Dan Williams - 1:0.7.0-0.1.svn2736Christopher Aillon 1:0.6.5-9Christopher Aillon 1:0.6.5-8Dan Williams 1:0.6.5-7Dan Williams 1:0.6.5-6Dan Williams 1:0.6.5-5Dan Williams 1:0.6.5-4Dan Williams 1:0.6.5-3Christopher Aillon 1:0.6.5-2Christopher Aillon 1:0.6.5-1Dan Williams - 1:0.6.5-0.7.svn2547Matthew Barnes 1:0.6.5-0.6.svn2474Matthias Clasen 1:0.6.5-0.5.svn2474Dan Williams - 1:0.6.5-0.4.svn2474Christopher Aillon - 1:0.6.5-0.3.cvs20061025Christopher Aillon - 1:0.6.5-0.2.cvs20061025Matthias Clasen Dan Williams - 1:0.6.5-0.cvs20061025Christopher Aillon - 1:0.6.4-6Christopher Aillon - 1:0.6.4-5Bill Nottingham - 1:0.6.4-4Dan Williams - 1:0.6.4-3Dan Williams - 1:0.6.4-2Christopher Aillon - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.7Ray Strode - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.6Ray Strode - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.5Ray Strode - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.4John (J5) Palmieri - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.3John (J5) Palmieri - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.2Jesse Keating - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.1.1Dan Williams - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529Dan Williams - 0.7.0-0.cvs20060521Bill Nottingham - 0.6.2-3.fc6Jeremy Katz - 0.6.2-2.fc6Dan Williams - 0.6.2-1Peter Jones - 0.6.0-3Dan Williams 0.6.0-2Dan Williams 0.6.0-1Jeremy Katz - 0.5.1-18.cvs20060302Christopher Aillon Dan Williams 0.5.1-18.cvs20060301Christopher Aillon 0.5.1-17.cvs20060228Christopher Aillon 0.5.1-16.cvs20060227Christopher Aillon 0.5.1-15.cvs20060227Dan Williams 0.5.1-14.cvs20060221Dan Williams 0.5.1-13.cvs20060221Dan Williams 0.5.1-12.cvs20060213Christopher Aillon 0.5.1-11.cvs20060205Jesse Keating 0.5.1-10.cvs20060205.1Dan Williams 0.5.1-10.cvs20060205Dan Williams 0.5.1-9.cvs20060202Dan Williams 0.5.1-8.cvs20060131Dan Williams 0.5.1-7.cvs20060131Dan Williams 0.5.1-6.cvs20060127Jesse Keating John (J5) Palmieri - 0.5.1-5Peter Jones - 0.5.1-4Christopher Aillon - 0.5.1-3Christopher Aillon - 0.5.1-2Christopher Aillon - 0.5.0-2Dan Williams - 0.4.1-5.cvs20051010Dan Williams - 0.4.1-4.cvs20051009Dan Williams - 0.4.1-3.cvs20050922Jeremy Katz - 0.4.1-2.cvs20050912Dan Williams - 0.4.1-2.cvs20050819Dan Williams - 0.4.1Dan Williams - 0.4-36.cvs20050811Dan Williams - 0.4-35.cvs20050811Ray Strode - 0.4-34.cvs20050729Dan Williams - 0.4-34.cvs20050629David Zeuthen - 0.4-33.cvs20050629Dan Williams - 0.4-32.cvs20050617Dan Williams - 0.4-31.cvs20050616Dan Williams - 0.4-30.cvs20050615Dan Williams - 0.4-15.cvs30050404Dan Williams - 0.4-14.cvs30050404Dan Williams - 0.4-13.cvs30050404Dan Williams - 0.4-12.cvs20050404Dan Williams - 0.4-11.cvs20050404Dan Williams - 0.4-10.cvs20050404Dan Williams - 0.4-9.cvs20050404Jeremy Katz - 0.4-8.cvs20050404Jeremy Katz - 0.4-7.cvs20050404Dan Williams 0.4-6.cvs20050404Dan Williams 0.4-5.cvs20050402Christopher Aillon 0.4-4.cvs20050315Ray Strode 0.4-3.cvs20050315Ray Strode 0.4-2.cvs20050315Ray Strode 0.4-1.cvs20050315Ray Strode 0.4-1.cvs20050307Dan Williams 0.3.4-1.cvs20050304Dan Williams 0.3.3-2.cvs20050222Dan Williams 0.3.3-2.cvs20050214.x.1Dan Williams 0.3.3-2.cvs20050214Dan Williams 0.3.3-1.cvs20050202Dan Williams 0.3.3-1.cvs20050125Dan Williams 0.3.3-1.cvs20050124Than Ngo 0.3.3-1.cvs20050112.4 - 0.3.3-1.cvs20050118 - 0.3.3-1.cvs20050112 - 0.3.2-4.3.cvs20041208 - 0.3.2-3.cvs20041117 - 0.3.2-2.cvs20041115 - 0.3.2-2.cvs20041029 - 0.3.1-2 - 0.3.1-1Dan Williams 0.3-1Dan Williams 0.2-4Dan Williams 0.2-3Dan Williams 0.2-2Dan Williams 0.2-1Florian La Roche Dan Williams 0.1-3- Update to 1.39.90 release (release candidate) - bridge: fix reapply of non-bridge properties (rh #2092762) - bridge: fix wired.mtu reapply (rh #2076131)- Update to 1.39.12 release (development) - bridge: fix reapply support (rh #2092762)- Update to 1.39.11 release (development) - dhcp: fix EXTENDED DHCP event to accept lease for dhclient plugin (rh #2109285) - ovs: honor unmanaged setting also for interfaces that fail (rh #2077950)- Update to 1.39.10 release (development) - initrd: set a default carrier timeout of 10 seconds in initrd (rh #2079277) - dhcp: wait DAD completion for DHCPv6 addresses (rh #2096386) - libnm: support wait-activation-delay property (rh #2008337) - veth: fix veth activation on booting (rh #2105956) - support a ipv6.addr-gen-mode knob in the global config (rh #208268)- Update to 1.39.8 release (development) - core: make ipv6.addr-gen-mode default configurable (rh #1743161) (rh #2082682) - dhcpv6: finish DAD before considering a lease to be good (rh #2096386) - core: add connection.wait-activation-delay property (rh #2008337)- fix priority of IPv6 addresses to prefer manual over DHCPv6 over SLAAC (rh #2097270)- Update to 1.39.7 release (development) - core: cancel the IP check on deactivation (rh #2080928) - core: ensure DHCP is restarted every time the link goes up (rh #2079406) - core: fix a leak of L3 configuration memory (rh #2083453) - ppp: fix a race with pppd when removing addresses (rh #2085382) - wifi: fix a crash when checking WEP supplicant capability (rh #2092782)- Update to 1.39.6 release (development) - Implement ACD (address conflict detection) for DHCPv4 (rh #1713380)- Update to 1.39.5 release (development) - device: commit l3cfg on link change only when the device is activating (rh #2079054) - l3cfg: during reapply, also clear IPv6 temporary addresses (rh #2082230) - dhcp: support overlong DHCP host names (rh #2033643) - cloud-setup: reorder addresses to honor "primary_ip_address" (rh #2082000)- Update to 1.39.3 release (development) - dhcp: save leases in /run (rh #1943153) - ovs: use asynchronous attach-port (rh #2052441) - device: set MTU after attaching bond port (rh #2071985) - l3cfg: drop NM_L3_CFG_COMMIT_TYPE_ASSUME and assume_config_once (rh #2077605)- generate docs during build instead of using pre-generated (2) (rh #1995915)- Update to 1.39.2 release (development) - dhcp: set "src" attribute for DHCP routes (rh #1995372) - dhcp: drop internal DHCPv4 client based on systemd code (rh #2073067) - core: delay startup complete for DNS update (rh #2049421) - nmcli: support offline mode to create and edit keyfiles (rh #1361145)- Update to 1.39.0 release (development) - ovs, dpdk: fix creating ovs-interface when the ovs-bridge is netdev (rh #2001792)- Upgrade to 1.37.3 release (development) - core: allow reapply on autoconnect-slaves property change (rh #2065049) - wifi: do not advertise channels outside regulatory domain (rh #2062785) - wifi: warn about WEP being phased out (rh #2030997) - bond: reject reapply when fail_over_mac was changed (rh #2003214)- Upgrade to 1.37.2 release (development) - core: preserve external ports during checkpoint rollback (rh #2035519) - core: fix ovs bridge deletion (rh #1935026) - core: shorten hostname when too long (rh #2033643) - nm-online: bump the timeout upper limit to 2073600 seconds (rh #2025617) - cloud-setup: fix crash when handling sigterm (rh #2027674)- core: fix setting DNS from WWAN and PPP (rh #2059138)- Upgrade to 1.36.0 release - core: avoid losing L3 configuration the second time it's applied (rh #2043514) - ovs: avoid removing OVSDB entries on daemon shutdown (rh #2055665) - nmcli: fix defaults for some properties on interactive add (rh #2053603)- revert: generate docs during build instead of using pre-generated (rh #1995915) - Upgrade to 1.35.92 (release candidate) - ppp: increase disconnect timeout (rh #2049596) - core: finish activation after all objects are committed (rh #2043133) - ipv6: add support for multipath routes (rh #1837254) - keyfile: do not write empty string list properties (rh #2022623)- Upgrade to 1.35.91 release (release candidate) - bond: fix duplicate IPv4 address detection (rh #2028751) - core: add support for blackhole routes (rh #1937823) (rh #2013587) - core: re-assess IP configuration if one IP family times out (rh #2051904) - ovs: remove ovsdb entry on interface removal (rh #2047302) - ovs: properly clean up devices on daemon shutdown (rh #2029937) - core: avoid losing addresses on handover from initrd to ral root (rh #2047302) - core: fix a possibe assertion failure in ACD (rh #2047788)- Upgrade to 1.35.7 release (development) - core: fix crash related to DHCPv6 leases (rh #2028849) - wifi: fix stale ActiveAccessPoint in D-Bus (rh #1983747) - libnm: fix dangling pointer in NMObject (rh #2039331)- Upgrade to 1.35.6 release (development) - Move ifup/ifdown scripts to new NetworkManager-initscripts-updown package (rh #2022418) - wwan: fix assertion failure in modem/ppp code (rh #2028385) - core: fix performance regression with 500vlans test (rh #2028849) - core: drop defective BPF filter for netlink sockets that caused hangs (rh #2037411) - initrd: add support for rd.znet_ifnames (rh #1980387)- generate docs during build instead of using pre-generated (rh #1995915)- Upgrade to 1.35.4 release (development) - ipv4ll: fix assert on external LL address removal (rh #2028404) - openvswitch: add DPDK n_rxq configuration option (rh #2001563) - device: ignore ndisc signal if device has no ifindex (rh #2013266) - bluetooth: fix invalid assertion in NMBluezManager:dispose() (rh #2028427) - supplicant: enable SAE-H2E (rh #2019396)- Upgrade to 1.35.3 release (development) - device: fix update of the ip-iface property (rh #2027490) - platform: add bpf filter to ignore routes from routing daemons (rh #1861527)- Upgrade to 1.35.2 release (development) - initrd: handle ip=dhcp,dhcp6 specially to wait for both IPv4 and IPv6 (rh #1961666) - bridge: fix ageing_time bridge option (rh #1871950) - core: make sure Device and AC emit StateChanged a bit later (rh #2006677) - ovsdb: deactivate removed device if does not have a master (rh #2022275) - nmcli: fix setting wake-on-lan property on edit mode (rh #2016348) - core: fix wrong DHCPv6 timeouts due to endianness problem (rh #2027267)- Upgrade to 1.35.1 release (development) - core: refactor IP configuration code (rh #1868254) - core: fix deleting external route during service restart (rh #2010640)- Upgrade to 1.33.4 release (development) - Deprecate "master"/"slave" on bonding and bridge API (rh #1949023) - core: Fix configuration reload for active devices (rh #1852445) - Update systemd-udev dependency (rh #2012123)- Upgrade to 1.33.3 release (development) - platform: don't listen for tc netlink messages (rh #1753677) - cloud-setup: better handle other route configuration (rh #2006370) - Fix autoneg advertisement (rh #1897004)- Upgrade to 1.33.2 release (development) (rh #1996617) - Obtain permanent hardware address via netlink or lookup via ethtool (rh #1987286) - Show more information about routes in nmcli (rh #1870059) - Add test for creation and activation of new connection via interface (rh #1763054) - ethtool: fix setting autonegotiation/speed on reactivation (rh #1897004) - Fix MTU's decrease after the removal of 802-3-ethernet configuration (rh #1973536)- platform: fix capturing IPv4 addresses from platform for assuming after restart (rh #1988751)- update to 1.32.10 release - nm-initrd-generator: add kernel command line options ethtool autoneg and speed (rh #1940934) - IP: fix the order of IP addresses during service restart (rh #1988751)- Upgrade to 1.32.8 release - firewalld: configure zones on "Reloaded" signal (rh #1982403) - ethtool: support configuring newer gigabit ethernet speeds (rh #1897004) - core: fix wrong MTU for bridge interfaces (rh #1973536) - cloud-setup: fix gateway address for Aliyun cloud (rh #1823315)- Upgrade to 1.32.6 release - core: fix adding stale local routes when address changes (rh #1979192) - dhcp: handle filename/bootfile_name DHCP option and write it to device state file for initrd/kickstart (rh #1979387) - initrd: add "ib.pkey=" command line option (rh #1805708) - core: introduce "keep-configuration" device option to forcefully activate a profile on start (rh #1934122)- Upgrade to 1.32.4 with fixes of: - nmcli: show DNS SEARCH field in device information. (rh #1852317) - device: avoid crash setting VPN config during unrealize. (rh #1912423) - core: send ARP announcements when there is carrier. (rh #1956793) - core: add ipv[46].required-timeout option to wait for IP configuration while activating. (rh #1961666) - core: start DHCPv6 when a prefix delegation is needed for shared mode. (rh #1973199) - ifcfg: log warning about invalid keys in ifcfg files. (rh #1959656) - cloud-setup: add support for Aliyun cloud. (rh #1823315)- update to 1.32.2 release - device: prefer IPv6 not-deprecated addresses for hostname lookup (rh #1820770) - docs: describe qdiscs and tfilters in nm-settings manpage (rh #1847894) - cloud-setup: preserve IPv4 addresses/routes/rules from profile (rh #1971527) - daemon: performance improvements (rh #1847125) - dhcp/systemd: ignore FORCERENEW requests for DHCPV4 (rh #1961251, CVE-2020-13529) - Add bridge_role in 802-3-ethernet.s390-options using nmcli (rh #1935842)- update to 1.32.0 release - veth: fix null error when deleting the device (rh #1915278) - veth: fix crash when deleting the device profile (rh #1915276) - firewall: add new "nftables" firewall-backend (rh #1548825) - DNS: fix lookup of hostname via DNS (rh #1970335)- update to 1.32-rc1 (1.31.90) (release candidate) - core: allow to preserved external TFilter and QDisc settings (rh #1928078) - bond: support "tlb_dynamic_lb" in "balance-alb" mode (rh #1959934)- Update to 1.31.5 (development) - core: configure MTU early before DHCP completes (rh #1890234) - core: fix activation handling for ports (rh #1955101, rh #1959961) - core: add support for ethtool pause parameters (rh #1899372) - dhcp: support option 249 (Microsoft Classless Static Route) (rh #1959461)- Update to 1.31.4 (development) - core: fix assertion failure in activation handling (rh #1933719)- Update to 1.31.3 (development)- Update to 1.31.2 (development)- bond: restore MAC on release only when there is a cloned MAC address (rh #1933292)- initrd: apply the MTU from bond= argument to the bond connection (rh #1936610)- Increase LimitNOFILE to allow more than 1024 file descriptors (rh #1926599). This requires a suitable libndp version that can handle many file descriptors (rh #1933041).- Avoid logging warning setting bond ad_actor_system (rh #1923999)- Update to 1.30.0 release- Update to 1.30-rc1 (1.29.90-dev) (development) - cloud-setup: fix removing IPv4 address (rh #1920838)- Update to 1.29.11 (development) - bond: fix changing mode when the device is created externally (rh #1870691) - ovs: fix firewalld configuration for ovs-ports (rh #1921107) - ovs: avoid race condition when system interface is removed from ovsdb (rh #1923248) - doc: mention NETMASK as alternative to PREFIX for addresses in `man nm-settings-ifcfg-rh` (rh #1925123)- Update to 1.29.10 (development) - bond: introduce new 'vlan+srcmac' xmit_hash_policy option (rh #1915457) - ovs: clean up interfaces from ovsdb at startup (rh #1861296)- Update to 1.29.9 (development) - By default check all devices for hostname reverse DNS lookup (rh #1766944)- Update to 1.29.8 (development) - initrd: accept zero-byte prefix for BOOTIF MAC address (rh #1904099) - core: fix bond port wrongly detached by dispather call (rh #1888348) - cloud-setup: add manual page (rh #1867997) - core: fix handling timeout for IPv6 RDNSS,DNSSL option in RA (rh #1874743)- Update to 1.29.7 (development) - Add WPA3-Enterprise support (rh #1883024)- Update to 1.29.6 (development) - initrd: disable ipv4 and ipv6 by default for vlan parent connection (rh #1903175) - initrd: fix parsing of ip= argument with dotted interface name (rh #1898294)- Update to 1.29.3 (development) - Support changing external-ids of OVS bridges and interfaces (rh #1866227) - Add a hostname setting (rh #1766944) - Support creating veth interfaces (rh #1901523) - initrd: fix parsing of ip= arguments with empty first token (rh #1900260)- device: fix crash in nm_device_reactivate_ip_config() - dns: fix crash in systemd-resolved DNS plugin (rh #1894839)- Update to 1.29.1 (development) - add library for handling profiles in keyfile format (rh #1813334) - initrd: allow disabling NICs during boot (rh #1883958) - allow `NM.Device.get_applied_connection_async()` to run by non-privilege user (rh #1882380) - nmcli ignores /etc/terminal-colors.d/nmcli.scheme (rh #1886336) - pass bridge master to wpa_supplicant when Wlan is part of bridge (rh #1888051) - add infiniband support in initrd (rh #1883173)- Update to 1.27.3 (development) - device: enforce the absence of a master during activation (rh #1869079) - bond: fix race condition setting the "active_slave" option (rh #1856640)- dhcp: add dhcp-vendor-class-identifier option (rh #1871042) - initrd: parse 'rd.net.dhcp.vendor-class' kernel cmdline arg (rh #1872299)- core: fix handling of local routes as default route and on D-Bus (rh #1868982)- core: fix wait-device-timeout race and support general device matches (rh #1853348)- bond: fix Reapply does not update bond options (rh #1847814) - dhcp: support DHCPv6 fqdn_fqdn option for hostname (rh #1858344)- core: fix managing devices after resuming from sleep (rh #1855563) - dhcp: fix BPF filter for internal client on big endian arch (rh #1861488) - core: support warning log setting IPv6 MTU with IPv6 disabled (rh #1840989) - wifi: fix crash parsing incomplete BSS info (rh #1866395)- core: fix generation of local routes for VRF devices (rh #1857133) - team: fix crash on failure to connect to teamd (rh #1856723) - core: fix detecting failure of master active-connection (rh #1845018) - core: fix warning about setting active_slave of bond when activating master (rh #1858326) - import translations (rh #1820552)- update to 1.26.0 - device: reset SR-IOV parameters on activation failure (rh #1819587) - initrd: enable ipv6.method=auto with ip=dhcp6 (rh #1854323) - core: add "nm-shared" zone for firewalld for shared mode (rh #1834907) - ppp: fix taking control of link (rh #1849386)- device: restart DHCP only for devices that are active or activating (rh #1852612) - initrd: fix generating default BOOTIF= connection (rh #1853277) - ovs: fix race condition when setting MAC address for ovs interfaces (rh #1852106)- update to 1.26-rc2 (1.25.91) - initrd: set ipv6.method=auto when using IPv4 static configuration (rh #1848943) - cloud-setup: add support for Google Cloud load-balancing routes (rh #1821787)- update to 1.26-rc1 (1.25.90) - core: support more tc qdiscs (tbf and sfq) (rh #1546802) - core: support match devices for connection profile by PCI address (ID_PATH) (rh #1673321) - ovs: fix peer property for OVS patch interface (rh #1845216) - doc: add manual pages nm-settings-dbus and nm-settings-nmcli (rh #1614726) - wifi: don't block autoconnect for profiles that never succeeded to connect (rh #1781253) - dbus,nmcli: highlight externally managed devices (rh #1816202)- update to 1.25.2 (development) - support ethtool coalesce and ring options (rh #1614700) - core: improve synchronization of qdiscs with kernel (rh #1815875) - team: support running without D-Bus (rh #1784363) - core: fix potential crash when autoactivating child connections (rh #1778073) - ethernet: reset original autonegotiation/speed/duplex settings on deactivation (rh #1807171) - core: fix setting IPv6 token in kernel (rh #1819680)- update to 1.25.1 (development) - improve documentation (rh #1651594, rh #1819259) - vrf: add support (rh #1773908) - bond: improve setting default options for miimon and updelay (rh #1805184, rh #1806549) - bluetooth: fix crash handling DUN modem (rh #1826635) - core: fix potential infinite loop with prefix delegation (rh #1488030) - initrd: fixes for running NetworkManager in initrd (rh #1627820, #1710935, #1744935, #1771792) - core: prevent multiple attempts to create default wired connection (rh #1687937) - bridge: support more options (rh #1755768) - libnm,dbus: expose HwAddress for all device types (rh #1786937) - core: fix route priority for IPv6 (rh #1814557) - core: fix crash during reapply (rh #1816067) - core: clear IP address from bridge slave (rh #1816517) - ovs: support changing MTU of OVS interfaces (rh #1820052) - nm-online: support setting timeout for NetworkManager-wait-online (rh #1828458)- core: fix leaking device state files in /run (rh #1810153) - dhcp: fix crash in nettools client when leaking GSource (rh #1810188)- dhcp: keep trying after a send failure (rh #1806516) - ovs: fail port enslavement when the bridge is not found (rh #1797696)- bond: fix setting arp_validate option for other bonding modes (rh #1789437)- Update to 1.22.8 - Added configuration option to customize IPv6 RA timeout (rh #1801158) - Removed length limitation for OVS Bridge, Patches and Interfaces (only Patch types) names (rh #1788432) - Reworked asynchronous deactivation of OVS interfaces (rh #1787989, rh #1782701) - Fixed failure when creating team interfaces (rh #1798947) - ifcfg-rh: fix clearing ovs slave type from ifcfg-rh file (rh #1804167) - Fixed bug causing virtual devices to not be available after AddConnection()/Update() (rh #1804350)- Update to 1.22.6 - nm-device: add new pending action to keep the device busy when in between states (rh #1759956) - cloud-setup: avoid unsupported settings in systemd service unit (rh #1791758) - do not create virtual device if master is not present (rh #1795919) - allow IPv6 RA timeout to be set to a value higher than 120 seconds (rh #1795957) - fix behaviour when 'ipv4.dhcp-timeout' option is set to 'infinity' (rh #1791378)- Update to 1.22.4 - dhcp: fix behavior of internal DHCP client when the server sends a NAK (rh #1787219)- Update to 1.22.2 - core,libnm: expose capability for OVS support (rh #1785147) - dhcp: various bugfixes for nettools n-dhcp4 plugin- dhcp: fix parsing of DNS search domain with nettools plugin (rh #1783981)- Update to 1.22.0 - support main.auth-polkit=root-only setting to allow root only (rh #1762011)- Update to 1.22-rc1 (1.21.90) - large internal rework of libnm's NMClient - dhcp: switch implementation of "internal" DHCP to nettools' n-dhcp4 - add support for carrier state of devices on D-Bus/libnm (rh #1722024) - cloud-setup: add initial and experimental tool for configuring in cloud (rh #1642461) - dhcp: support configuring FQDN hostname flags (rh #1649368)- Update to 1.21.3, a development snapshot of NetworkManager 1.22 - support configuring default route as a regular, static route (rh #1714438)- initrd: re-enable the generator (rh #1626348)- wifi: detect FT support per device to fix issues with driver support (rh #1743730) - doc: fix default values in pre-generated documentation (rh #1737945)- Import translations (rh #1689999)- Update to 1.20.0 release - fix license comments for RPM package (rh #1723395) - dhcp: disable experimental nettools DHCP plugin- Update to 1.20-rc1 snapshot - settings: support read-only directory for keyfile profiles (rh #1674545) - settings: add AddConnection2 D-Bus API to suppress autoconnect (rh #1677068) - settings: add no-reapply flat to Update2 D-Bus API (rh #1677070) - openvswitch: don't release slaves on quit (rh #1733709) - dhcp: expose private options for internal DHCP plugin (rh #1663253) - device: fix route table setting when re-activating device (rh #1719318) - man: clarify example in nm-openvswitch manual page (rh #1638038) - man: various improvements of manual pages (rh #1612554)- initrd: disable the generator again- Update to a newer 1.20 snapshot - ovs: support dpdk interfaces (rh #1612503) - libnm-core: change unsupported modes for arp_ip_targets bond option (rh #1718173) - ipv6: add 'disabled' method (rh #1643841) - device: fix matching parent device by connection UUID (rh #1716438) - cli: fix default value for team.runner-min-ports (rh #1716987) - initrd: re-enable the generator (rh #1626348)- Update to a 1.20 snapshot - core: fix a possible crash on device removal (rh #1659790) - core: fix automatic activation of software deviecs (rh #1667874) - team: use strict JSON parsing for configuration (rh #1691619) - team: don't kill teamd for external devices (rh #1693142) - logging: don't misuse SYSLOG_FACILITY field in journal (rh #1709741)- clients: fix string list setter (rh #1671200)- device: improve assuming bridges on startup (rh #1593939)- dhcp: fix client-id and DUID for infiniband (2) (rh #1658057)- device: ensure IP configuration is restored when link goes up (rh #1636715) - dhcp: fix client-id and DUID for infiniband (rh #1658057) - dhcp: change internal DHCP plugin's ipv4.dhcp-client-id setting to "mac" (rh #1661165)- ifcfg-rh: fix reading SR-IOV settings - dhcp: support client-id and DUID for infiniband (rh #1658057)- dhcp: fix default client-id for NetworkManager-config-server (rh #1658057) - connectivity: fix crash and portal detection (rh #1658217) - core: combine secret-key with machine-id for host identity (rh #1642023) - SR-IOV related fixes (rh #1651578, rh #1651576, rh #1651979) - core: fix updating agent-owned secrets (rh #1658771) - core: no longer set rp_filter sysctl (rh #1651097) - device: don't take device down when changing MAC address (rh #1659063) - doc: use pregenerated manual pages and gtk-doc from source tarball- Update translations (rh #1608323)- device: improve auto selection of device when activating profile (rh #1639254)- dhcp: fix out-of-bounds heap write for DHCPv6 with internal plugin (CVE-2018-15688) - dhcp: revert letting internal DHCP generate default client-id based on MAC address (rh #1640464) - dhcp: support "duid" setting for ipv4.dhcp-client-id - dhcp: support "${MAC}" identifier for connection.stable-id - dhcp: support dhcp-plugin device spec for matching devices in NetworkManager.conf - dhcp: install configuration snippet in config-server package for ipv4.dhcp-client-id=mac (rh #1640494) - dns: remove limitation for six DNS search entries (rh #1649704) - libnm: fix crash cancelling activation from within callback (rh #1643085)- Update translations (rh #1608323)- Don't depend on openvswitch (rh #1629178) - device: don't remove routes when the interface is down (rh #1636715)- dhcp: let internal DHCP generate default client-id based on MAC address (2)- dhcp: let internal DHCP generate default client-id based on MAC address- Update to 1.14.0 release- dhcp: switch default DHCP plugin from dhclient to internal (rh #1571655)- Update to 1.13.3, a development snapshot of NetworkManager 1.14- Update to 1.13.2, a development snapshot of NetworkManager 1.14- Update to 1.13.0, a development snapshot of NetworkManager 1.14- Update to 1.11.4, a development snapshot of NetworkManager 1.12 - Switch to Python 3-only build root- core: use gnutls crypto library instead of nss (rh #1581693)- core: fix error destroying checkpoints (rh#1574565)- Update to 1.11.3 release- Update to 1.10.2 release- Apply patch from previous commit- systemd: let NM-w-o.service require NetworkManager service (rh #1452866) - platform: really treat dsa devices as regular wired ethernet (rh #1371289) - libnm: fix accessing enabled and metered properties- platform: treat dsa devices as regular wired ethernet (rh #1371289)- device: fix frozen notify signals on unrealize error path - device: fix delay startup complete for unrealized devices - keyfile: fix handling routes with metric zero- cli: fix crash in interactive mode for "describe ." - libnm/{vpn,remote}-connection: disconnect signal handlers when disposed - libnm/manager: disconnect from signals on the proxy when we're disposed- enable NetworkManager-wait-online.service on package upgrade (rh#1455704)- Update to 1.8.4 release - don't install NetworkManager-wait-online in network-online.target.wants (rh#1455704)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- provide NetworkManager-devel- NetworkManager-wifi and NetworkManager-glib-devel should require NetworkManager, not provide it.- Update to 1.8.2 release - dhcp/dhclient: improve "interface" statement parsing - dns: fix public suffix check on search domains (rh #1404350)- device: don't change MTU unless explicitly configured (rh #1460760) - core: don't remove external IPv4 addresses (rh #1459813) - cli: fix output of iface in overview output (rh#1460219) - ppp: unexport NMPPPManager instance on dispose (rh#1459579) - cli: remove spurious device names from wifi subcommands output (rh#1460527)- bond: fix crash comparing mode while generating bond connection (rh #1459580) - connectivity: fix route penalty if WWAN and BT device using ip-ifindex (rh #1459932) - device: persist nm-owned in run state (rh #1376199) - device: fix assuming master device on restart (rh #1452062) - device: apply route metric penality only when the default route exists (rh #1459604) - connectivity: fix periodic connectivity check (rh #1458399) - bond: improve option matching on daemon restart (rh #1457909) - device: fix touching device after external activation (rh #1457242)- ifcfg-rh: fix writing legacy NETMASK value (rh #1445414) - tui: fix crash during connect (rh #1456826) - libnm: fix libnm rejecting VLAN ID 4095 (rh #1456911) - bluetooth: fix crash on connecting to a NAP (rh #1454385) - device: release removed devices from master on cleanup (rh #1448907) - nmcli: fix crash when setting 802-1x.password-raw (rh #1456362)- device: update external configuration before commit (fix bug) (rh #1449873)- dhcp: don't add route to DHCP4 server (rh #1448987) - device: update external configuration before commit (rh #1449873) - libnm: fix NUL termination of device's description (rh #1443114) - libnm, core: ensure valid UTF-8 in device properties (rh #1443114) - core: fix device's UDI property on D-Bus (rh #1443114) - ifcfg-rh: omit empty next hop for routes in legacy format (rh #1452648) - core: fix persisting managed state of device (rh #1440171) - proxy: fix use-after-free (rh #1450459) - device: don't wrongly delay startup complete waiting for carrier (rh #1450444)- Update to 1.8.0 release- Update to third Release Candidate of NetworkManager 1.8- Update to second Release Candidate of NetworkManager 1.8- Update to a snapshot of 1.8.x series- Update to a 1.6.2 release- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Update to a 1.6.0 release- Update with fixes from upstream nm-1-6 branch - build: let libnm and glib package conflict (rh #1406454)- Update to a 1.6-rc1- fix build failure due to clash of bitwise defines- Rebuild for readline 7.x- Update to a newer development snapshot- Rebuild package for vala generation error (rh#1398738)- fix enabling ifcfg-rh plugin by default for +=/-= operations (rh#1397938) - fix missing symbol _nm_device_factory_no_default_settings- fix enabling ifcfg-rh plugin by default (rh#1397938) - move translation files from core to libnm/glib subpackages- Update to a development snapshot- Update to 1.4.2- wifi: fix another activation failure when changing MAC address (rh#1371478, bgo#770456, bgo#770504)- dhcp: fix race to miss DHCP lease event (rh#1372854)- wifi: fix activation failure due to error changing MAC address (rh#1371478, bgo#770456)- Update to NetworkManager 1.4.0 release- fix stale Wi-Fi after resume from suspend (rh#1362165)- Rebuild against newer GLib to overcome logging problems on i686- Update to a later Git snapshot- dns: clear cache of dnsmasq when updating DNS configuration (rh#1338731) - dns: fix restarting dnsmasq instance - spec: depend bluetooth subpackage on exact wwan version - all: fix some memleaks- Update to NetworkManager 1.2.2 release- Update to NetworkManager 1.2.0 release- Update to NetworkManager 1.2-rc2- Update to NetworkManager 1.2-rc1- Fix link detection on 4.5 when build with 4.6 kernel- Update to NetworkManager 1.2-beta3- Fix obtaining the hostname from DNS (rh #1308974)- Fix activating connections in some cases (rh #1316488)- Update to NetworkManager 1.2-beta2 - Resync with contrib/rpm- specfile: remove no longer needed 10-ibft-plugin.conf and sync with contrib/rpm - core: backport fix for missing braces bug in platform- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- Update to NetworkManager 1.2-beta1- Add upstream fix for AP list hash function (#1288867)- Update to a later snapshot - Enables RFC7217 addressing for new IPv6 connections- Drop the NetworkManager-devel subpackage (folded into libnm-glib-devel) - Update to a later snapshot- Import a newer 1.2 git snapshot- Fix test run- Import a 1.2 git snapshot- Fix command line parsing- Update to 1.0.6 release- fix crash when deactivating assumed device (rh #1253949) - backport wifi scan options for ssid - use plain HTTP URI for connectivity check- Update to a Git snapshot- Fix an assertion failure in nmcli (rh #1244048) - Fix default route handling on assumed connections (rh #1245648)- Update to 1.0.4 release- WEXT depends on enabled wifi- A bit more recent Git snapshot- A bit more recent Git snapshot - This one fixes a regression with default route management- Update to a new 1.0.3 development snapshot (git20150707) - core: fix handling of ignore-auto-* properties (rh #1239184)- A bit more recent Git snapshot- Update to a recent Git snapshot- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 1.0.2 release- Update to 1.0.2 development snapshot (git20150429)- Update to 1.0.2 development snapshot- dns: revert resolv.conf symlink stuff (should only be in F23+, not F22)- connectivity: fix checking when no valid DNS servers are present (rh #1199098)- core: flush IPv6LL address when deconfiguring managed devices (rh #1193127) (rh #1184997)- core: resume bridged connections properly (rh #1162636, backport from master)- dns: manage resolv.conf as symlink to private file in /run directory (rh #1116999)- build: fix NetworkManager-bluetooth dep on NetworkManager-wwan - build: re-enable hardware plugins on s390- Update to 1.0- vpn: propagate daemon exec error correctly (bgo #739436) - core: do not assert when a device is enslaved externally (rh #1167345)- cli: fix crash in `nmcli device wifi` with multiple wifi devices (rh #1159408)- platform: fix a routing-related bug that could cause NM and other apps to spin (rh #1151665)- Fix IPv6 next hop default setting- Avoid unowned /etc/NetworkManager in config-connectivity-fedora- connectivity-fedora: don't require NetworkManager (#1156198)- bluetooth: Restore DUN support (rh #1055628)- Allow non-local users network control after PolicyKit authentication (rh #1145646)- connectivity: use HTTPS for connectivity checking (rh #113577)- adsl plugin needs rp-pppoe to work- always include ModemManager-glib-devel (#1129632)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for ppp 2.4.7- connectivity: ensure interval is set to enable connectivity checking (rh #1123772)- Rebuilt for gobject-introspection 1.41.4- Update to upstream release snapshot- Update to upstream (0.9.10-rc1) release snapshot- Update to upstream (0.9.10-beta1) release snapshot- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild against pppd 2.4.6- Update to a git snapshot (git20140319 git:3980806) - Rename NetworkManager-atm package to NetworkManager-adsl - Rename NetworkManager-bt package to NetworkManager-bluetooth- Update to a git snapshot (git20140317 git:a1e89b4) - platform: fix NM crash if link has no name (e.g. for failed VPN connection) - libnm-util/cli: fix bridge priority default value (rh #1073664)- Update to a git snapshot (git20140314 git:45a326d) - Fix Obsoletes and Requires to perform updates correctly- Update to a git snapshot (git20140310 git:350b6d6)- new upstream snapshot with development version add nmtui package - bugfix caching of libnl objects (caused error with new libnl3 version when activating bridges) (rh #1063290) - fix NMManager:startup tracking (pending action) (rh #1030583)- core: fix crash getting secrets in libnm-glib- Update to a git snapshot (git20140131)- Update to a git snapshot (git20140117)- Update to a git snapshot (git20140114)- bluez-manager: fix a crash (rh #1048711)- core: fix IPv6 router solicitation loop (rh #1044757)- core: wait for link before declaring startup complete (rh #1034921) - core: ignore RA-provided IPv6 default routes (rh #1029213) - core: set IPv4 broadcast address correctly (rh #1032819)- core: Fix PtP/peer address support, for OpenVPN (rh #1018317)- dispatcher: fix crash on exit while logging from signal handler (rh #1017884) - core: workaround crash when connecting to wifi (rh #1025371) - ethernet: don't crash if device doesn't have a MAC address (rh #1029053) - libnm-glib: fix crash by taking additional ref in result_cb() (rh #1030403) - ifcfg-rh: fix ignoring updates that don't change anything- nmcli: add "con load" to manually load an ifcfg file - vpn: fix logging to help debug rh #1018317 - bridge: fix crash with bridge ports with empty settings (rh #1031170)- core: fix detection of non-mac80211 devices that do not set DEVTYPE (rh #1015598)- core: add some debugging to help diagnose netlink errors (rh #1029213)- ifcfg-rh: fix crash in ifcfg-rh plugin when reloading connections (rh #1023571) - ifcfg-rh: fix crash when having connections with NEVER_DEFAULT (rh #1021112) - core: fix segfault in nm-policy when setting default route for vpn (rh #1019021) - ifcfg-rh: fix crash when reading connection (assert) (rh #1025007) - core: allow IPv4 to proceed if IPv6 is globally disabled but set to "auto" (rh #1012151)- core: fix DHCPv6 address prefix length (rh #1013583) - cli: enhance bonding questionaire (rh #1007355) - core: fix crash with Bluez5 if PAN connection is not defined (rh #1014770) - libnm-glib: fix various memory leaks that could cause UIs to mis-report state - core: fix issues with mis-configured IPv6 router advertisements (rh #1008104) - cli: fix potential crash editing connections (rh #1011942)- core: fix bridge device creation (#1012532) - core,settings: do not call functions with connection==NULL (rh #1008151) - cli: accept gateway in the IP questionnaire of 'nmcli -a con add' (rh #1007368) - cli: always print success message (not only in --pretty mode) (rh #1006444) - cli: fix bond questionnaire to be able to set miimon (rh #1007355) - ifcfg-rh: if IPv4 is disabled put DNS domains (DOMAIN) into IPv6 (rh #1004866) - platform: fix a crash when nm_platform_sysctl_get() returns NULL (rh #1010522) - platform: fix InfiniBand partition handling (rh #1008568) - infiniband: only check the last 8 bytes when doing hwaddr matches (rh #1008566) - bluez: merge adding support for BlueZ 5 (bgo #701078) - api: clarify lifetime and behavior of ActiveConnection's SpecificObject property (rh #1012309) - vpn: fix connecting to VPN (bgo #708255) (rh #1014716) - rdisc: do not crash on NDP init failures (rh #1012151) - cli: be more verbose when adding IP addresses in questionnaire (rh #1006450) - team: chain up parent dispose() in NMDeviceTeam dispose() (rh #1013593) - translation updates- drop wimax subpackage- core: actually enable ModemManager 1.0 support - libnm-glib: fix nm_remote_connection_delete() not calling callback (rh #997568) - cli: ensure terminal is reset after quitting - cli: set wep-key-type properly when editing (rh #1003945) - man: fix typo in nmcli examples manpage (rh #1004117) - core: fix setting VLAN ingress/egress mappings - core: allow creating VLANs from interfaces other than Ethernet (rh #1003180) - cli: fix input/output format conversion (rh #998929)- core: fix bug which disallowed deleting connections (rh #997568) - core: add support for Team devices - core: enable NetworkManager-wait-online by default (rh #816655) - core: fix crash when 'gre' and 'macvlan' links change (rh #997396) - core: fail activation when invalid static routes are configured (rh #999544) - core: enhance connectivity checking to include portal detection - core: allow hyphens for MAC addresses (rh #1002553) - core: remove NetworkManager-created software devices when they are deactivated (rh #953300) - core: fix handling of some DHCP client identifiers (rh #999503) - core: correctly handle Open vSwitch interfaces as generic interfaces (rh #1004356) - core: better handle Layer-2-only connections (rh #979288) - cli: enhanced bash completion - cli: make the 'describe' command more visible (rh #998002) - cli: fix bug rejecting changes to Wi-Fi channels (rh #999999) - cli: update bash completion to suggest connection names (rh #997997) - cli: fix tab completion for aliases in edit mode - cli: ask whether to switch IP method to 'auto' when all addresses are deleted (rh #998137) - cli: request missing information when --ask is passed (rh #953291) - cli: add 'remove' command to edit mode - cli: fix creation of secure Wi-Fi connections (rh #997969) (rh #997555) - cli: default autoconnect to no and ask whether to activate on save (rh #953296) - man: clarify manpage text (rh #960071) (rh #953299) - man: fix errors in the nmcli help output and manpage (rh #997566) - ifcfg-rh: only write IPV6_DEFAULTGW when there's actually a default gateway (rh #997759) - ifcfg-rh: fix handling of legacy-format routes file with missing gateway- core: fix assert on multi-hop routes (rh #989022) - core: fix dispatcher systemd unit enabling (rh #948433) - ifcfg-rh: ignore emacs temporary lockfiles (rh #987629) - core: fix various routing issues and interaction with kernel events - cli: confirm saving connections when autoconnect is enabled (rh #953296) - cli: automatically change method when static IP addresses are added - core: preserve externally added IPv4 routes and addresses- Create NetworkManager-config-server package- Update to git snapshot- Belatedly update udev directory for UsrMove - Fix incorrect dates in old changelog entries to avoid rpm warnings- build support for connectivity checking (rh #810457)- disable building WiMax for RHEL- Update to new 0.9.10 snapshot- Update for systemd network-online.target (rh #787314) - Add system service for the script dispatcher (rh #948433)- Enable hardened build - Update to 0.9.10 snapshot - cli: new capabilities and somewhat re-arranged syntax - core: generic interface support - core: split config support; new "server mode" options - core: allow locking connections to interface names- core: fix issue with UI not showing disconnected on rfkill - core: memory leak fixes - core: silence warning about failure reading permanent MAC address (rh #907912) - core: wait up to 120s for slow-connecting modems - core: don't crash on PPPoE connections without a wired setting - core: ensure the AvailableConnections property is always correct - keyfile: ensure all-default VLAN connections are read correctly - core: suppress kernel's automatic creation of bond0 (rh #953466) - libnm-glib: make NMSecretAgent usable with GObject Introspection - libnm-util: fix GObject Introspection annotations of nm_connection_need_secrets() - core: documentation updates- Update to snapshot - core: fix VLAN parent handling when identified by UUID - core: quiet warning about invalid interface index (rh #920145) - core: request 'static-routes' from DHCP servers (rh #922558) - core: fix crash when dbus-daemon is restarted (rh #918273) - core: copy leasefiles from /var/lib/dhclient to fix netboot (rh #916233) - core: memory leak and potential crash fixes - ifcfg-rh: ensure missing STP property is interpreted as off (rh #922702)- Update to the release - cli: fix a possible crash- core: use systemd for suspend/resume, not upower- Update to 0.9.8-beta2 - core: ignore bridges managed by other tools (rh #905035) - core: fix libnl assert (rh #894653) - wifi: always use Proactive Key Caching with WPA Enterprise (rh #834444) - core: don't crash when Internet connection sharing fails to start (rh #883142)- Set correct systemd KillMode to fix anaconda shutdown hangs (rh #876218)- ifcfg-rh: write missing IPv6 setting as IPv6 with "auto" method (rh #830434)- Build vapi files and add them to the devel package- Apply patch from master to read hostname from /etc/hostname (rh #831735)- Apply patch from master to update hostname (rh #875085) - spec: create /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d (rh #873621)- Don't bring up uninitialized devices (fd #56929)- Actually apply the patch from the previous commit...- Apply patch from master to fix a crash (rh #865009)- Apply patch from master so connections finish connecting properly (bgo #685581)- Forward-port some forgotten fixes from F17 - Fix networked-filesystem systemd dependencies (rh #787314) - Don't restart NM on upgrade, don't stop NM on uninstall (rh #811200)- Update to git snapshot- Update to snapshot- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.9.6-rc2 - core: fix race between parallel DHCP client invocations - core: suppress a useless warning (rh #840580) - ifcfg-rh: fix segfault with malformed values (rh #841391) - ifcfg-rh: ignore IP config on bond slave configurations (rh #838907)- Update to (0.9.6-rc1) snapshot - core: add autoconnect, driver-versioni and firmware-version properties to NMDevice - core: various IPv6 improvements - core: reduce number of changes made to DNS information during connection setup - core: add Vala language bindings - vpn: support IPv6 over VPNs - wifi: add on-demand WiFi scan support- Update to git snapshot- NM no longer uses /var/run/NetworkManager, so don't claim to own it. (rh #656638)- Update to git snapshot- Add _isa for internal requires; otherwise depsolving may pull in an arbitrary architecture.- Update to 0.9.4- libnm-glib: updated for new symbols the applet wants- applet: move to network-manager-applet RPM - editor: move to nm-connection-editor RPM - libnm-gtk: move to libnm-gtk RPM- Update to (0.9.4-rc1) - core: fix possible WiFi hang when connecting to Ad-Hoc networks - core: enhanced IPv6 compatibility - core: proxy DNSSEC data when using the 'dnsmasq' caching nameserver plugin - core: allow VPNs to specify multiple domain names given by the server - core: fix an issue creating new InfiniBand connections - core/applet/editor: disable WiFi Ad-Hoc WPA connections until kernel bugs are fixed- core: fix issue with carrier changes not being recognized (rh #800690) - editor: warn user if CA certificate is left blank- core: fix a crash with ipw2200 devices and adhoc networks - core: fix IPv6 addressing on newer kernels - core: fix issue with VPN plugin passwords (rh #802540) - cli: enhancements for Bonding, VLAN, and OLPC mesh devices - ifcfg-rh: fix quoting WPA passphrases that include quotes (rh #798102) - libnm-glib: fix some issues with duplicate devices shown in menus- Update to (0.9.4-beta1) - core: add support for bonding and VLAN interfaces - core: add support for Internet connectivity detection - core: add support for IPv6 Privacy Extensions - core: fix interaction with firewalld restarts- disable WiMAX plugin on s390(x)- Put WiMAX plugin files in the right subpackage- Update to 0.9.4 snapshot - wimax: enable optional support for Intel WiMAX devices - core: use nl80211 for WiFi device control - core: add basic support for Infiniband IP interfaces - core: add basic support for bonded interfaces - core: in-process IP configuration no longer blocks connected state- Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild for libgnome-bluetooth.so.9- core: fix possible crash when talking to ModemManager - core: improve handling of rfkill on some machines (eeepc 1005HA and others) - ifcfg-rh: don't use spaces in ifcfg file names (rh #742273) - core: accept IPv6 Router Advertisements when forwarding is on - core: bump dnsmasq cache size to 400 entries - core: ensure IPv6 static routes are flushed when device is deactivated - ifcfg-rh: fix changing WPA connections to WEP - core: fix setting hostname from DHCP (rh #719100) - libnm-glib: fix various GObject introspection issues (rh #747302) - core: don't change routing or DNS if no devices are managed - core: ensure IPv6 RA-provided routes are honored- Rebuilt for glibc (rh #747377) - core: fix setting hostname from DHCP options (rh #719100) - skip a release to keep up with F16- core: fix location of wifi.ui (rh #741448)- core: ifcfg-rh: remove newlines when writing to ifcfg files (CVE-2011-3364) (rh #737338) - core: change iscsiadm path to /sbin/iscsiadm in ifcfg-rh plugin (rh #740753) - core: fix refcounting when deleting a default wired connection (lp:797868)- Update to (0.9.2-beta1) - core: fix IPv6 link-local DNS servers in the dnsmasq DNS plugin - cli: add ability to delete connections - keyfile: fix an issue with duplicated keyfile connections - core: ensure the 'novj' option is passed through to pppd - core: store timestamps for VPN connections too (rh #725353)- fix systemd scriptlets and trigger- Update to 0.9 release - core: fix issue where scan results could be ignored - core: ensure agent secrets are preserved when updating connections - core: don't autoconnect disabled modems - core: fix race when checking modem enabled/disabled status after disabling - core: ensure newly installed VPN plugins can actually talk to NM - core: add support for 802.1X certificate subject matching - libnm-glib: various introspection fixes - applet/editor: updated translations- Add some patches for some blocker (rh #727501)- core: updated Russian translation (rh #652904) - core: fix possible crash if secrets are missing - core: append interface name for IPv6 link-local DNS server addresses (rh #720001) - core: fix setting hostname from DHCP options (rh #719100) - libnm-util: GObject introspection annotation fixes - libnm-util: ensure IP address/route prefixes are valid - ifcfg-rh: read anonymous identity for 802.1x PEAP connections (rh #708436) - applet: show notifications on CDMA home/roaming changes - applet: fix various issues saving VPN secrets - editor: allow exporting VPN secrets - editor: default to IPv6 "automatic" addressing mode- core: ensure users are authorized for shared wifi connections (CVE-2011-2176) (rh #715492) - core: retry failed connections after 5 minute timeout - core: immediately request new 802.1x 'always ask' passwords if they fail - core: add MAC blacklisting capability for WiFi and Wired connections - core: retry failed connections when new users log in (rh #706204) - applet: updated translations - core: drop compat interface now that KDE bits are updated to NM 0.9 API- core: don't cache "(none)" hostname at startup (rh #706094) - core: fix handling of VPN connections with only system-owned secrets - core: fix optional waiting for networking at startup behavior (rh #710502) - ifcfg-rh: fix possible crashes in error cases - ifcfg-rh: fix various IPv4 and IPv6 handling issues - applet: add notifications of GSM mobile broadband registration status - editor: move secrets when making connections available to all users or private - applet: don't show irrelevant options when asking for passwords- keyfile: better handling of missing certificates/private keys - core: fix issues handling "always-ask" wired and WiFi 802.1x connections (rh #703785) - core: fix automatic handling of hidden WiFi networks (rh #707406) - editor: fix possible crash after reading network connections (rh #706906) - editor: make Enter/Return key close WiFi password dialogs (rh #708666)- Bump for CVE-2011-1943 (no changes, only a rebuild)- editor: fix resizing of UI elements (rh #707269) - core: retry wired connections when cable is replugged - core: fix a few warnings and remove some left-over debugging code- compat: fix activation/deactivation of VPN connections (rh #699786) - core: fix autodetection of previously-used hidden wifi networks - core: silence error if ConsoleKit database does not yet exist (rh #695617) - core: fix Ad-Hoc frequency handling (rh #699203) - core: fixes for migrated OpenConnect VPN plugin connections - core: various fixes for VPN connection secrets handling - core: send only short hostname to DHCP servers (rh #694758) - core: better handling of PKCS#8 private keys - core: fix dispatcher script interface name handling - editor: fix potential crash when connection is invalid (rh #704848) - editor: allow _ as a valid character for GSM APNs- core: fix possible crash when connections are deleted - core: fix exported symbols in libnm-util and libnm-glib - core/applet: updated translations- core: ensure DER format certificates are correctly recognized (rh #699591) - core: fix WINS server handling in client helper libraries - core: enhance dispatcher script environment to include IPv6 and VPN details - applet: migrate openswan connections to 0.9 - editor: improve usability of editing IP addresses (rh #698199)- core: enable optimized background roaming for WPA Enterprise configs - core: better handling of WiFi and WiMAX rfkill (rh #599002) - applet: fix crash detecting Bluetooth DUN devices a second time - ifcfg-rh: fix managed/unmanaged changes when removing connections (rh #698202)- core: systemd and startup enhancements for NFS mounts - core: more efficient startup process - core: fix handling of multiple logins when one is inactive - core: fix handling of S390/Hercules CTC network interfaces (rh #641986) - core: support Easytether interfaces for Android phones - core: fix handling of WWAN enable/disable states - ifcfg-rh: harmonize handling if IPADDR/PREFIX/NETMASK with initscripts (rh #658907) - applet: fix connection to WPA Enterprise networks (rh #694765)- core: fix handling of infinite IPv6 RDNSS timeouts (rh #689291)- Update to 0.8.998 (0.9.0-rc1) - core: fix near-infinite requests for passwords (rh #692783) - core: fix handling of wired 802.1x connections - core: ignore Nokia PC-Suite ethernet devices we can't use yet - applet: migrate 0.8 OpenVPN passwords to 0.9 formats- core: resurrect default VPN username - core: don't stomp on crypto library users by de-initing the crypto library- core: fix creation of default wired connections - core: fix requesting new secrets when old ones fail (ex changing WEP keys) - editor: ensure all pages are sensitive after retrieving secrets - editor: fix crash when scrolling through connection lists (rh #693446) - applet: fix crash after using the wifi or wired secrets dialogs (rh #693446)- Fix trigger to enable the systemd service for upgrades (rh #678553)- core: fix connection deactivation on the compat interface - core: give default wired connections a more friendly name - core: fix base type of newly created wired connections - applet: many updated translations- core: fix possible libnm-glib crash when activating connections - applet: fix various naming and dialog title issues- nm-version.h should be in NetworkManager-devel, not -glib-devel (rh #685442)- core: add compatibility layer for KDE Plasma network infrastructure- Update to 0.8.997 (0.9-beta3) - ifcfg-rh: fix reading and writing of Dynamic WEP connections using LEAP as the eap method - wifi: fix signal strength for scanned access points with some drivers - applet: translation updates- Update to 0.8.996 (0.9-beta2)- applet: fix bus name more- applet: fix bus name- Fix systemd requires- Update to NetworkManager 0.9-beta1 - core: consolidate user and system settings services into NM itself - core: add WiMAX support - applet: support Fast User Switching- Rebuild against newer gtk- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild against new gtk- Handle modem IP interface changes after device is recognized- Rebuild against new gtk3- use --force in autoreconf to fix FTBFS- Rebuild against newer gtk- Update to 0.8.2- Rebuild against libnotify 0.7 - misc gtk build fixes- core: preserve WiFi Enabled state across reboot and suspend/resume- core: fix suspend/resume regression (rh #638640) - core: fix issue causing some nmcli requests to be ignored- core: preserve custom local-mapped hostnames in /etc/hosts (rh #627269)- core: remove stale /etc/hosts mappings (rh #630146)- core: add dispatcher events on DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 lease changes - core: enforce access permissions when enabling/disabling WiFi and WWAN (rh #626337) - core: listen for UPower suspend/resume signals - applet: fix disabled Enable Networking and Enable Wireless menu items (rh #627365) - applet: updated translations - applet: obscure Mobile Broadband PIN in secondary unlock dialog- core: fix some systemd interaction issues- core: rebuild to fix polkit 0.97 build issue - applet: updated translations- core: rebuild to fix dbus-glib security issue (CVE-2010-1172) (rh #585394)- core: quiet annoying warnings (rh #612991) - core: fix retrieval of various IP options in libnm-glib (rh #611141) - core: ship NetworkManager.conf instead of deprecated nm-system-settings.conf (rh #606160) - core: add short hostname to /etc/hosts too (rh #621910) - core: recheck autoactivation when new system connections appear - core: enable DHCPv6-only configurations (rh #612445) - core: don't fail connection immediately if DHCP lease expires (rh #616084) (rh #590874) - core: fix editing of PPPoE system connections - core: work around twitchy frequency reporting of various wifi drivers - core: don't tear down user connections on console changes (rh #614556) - cli: wait a bit for NM's permissions check to complete (rh #614866) - ifcfg-rh: ignore BRIDGE and VLAN configs and treat as unmanaged (rh #619863) - man: add manpage for nm-online - applet: fix crash saving ignore-missing-CA-cert preference (rh #619775) - applet: hide PIN/PUK by default in the mobile PIN/PUK dialog (rh #615085) - applet: ensure Enter closes the PIN/PUK dialog (rh #611831) - applet: fix another crash in ignore-CA-certificate handling (rh #557495) - editor: fix handling of Wired/s390 connections (rh #618620) - editor: fix crash when canceling editing in IP address pages (rh #610891) - editor: fix handling of s390-specific options - editor: really fix crash when changing system connections (rh #603566)- core: read nm-system-settings.conf before NetworkManager.conf (rh #606160) - core: fix editing system DSL connections when using keyfile plugin - core: work around inconsistent proprietary driver associated AP reporting - core: ensure empty VPN secrets are not used (rh #587784) - core: don't request WiFi scans when connection is locked to a specific BSSID - cli: show IPv6 settings and configuration - applet: updated translations - editor: fix a PolicyKit-related crash editing connections (rh #603566) - applet: fix saving the ignore-missing-CA-cert preference (rh #610084) - editor: fix listing connections on PPC64 (rh #608663) - editor: ensure editor windows are destroyed when closed (rh #572466)- Rebuild against new gnome-bluetooth- Update to 0.8.1 release candidate - core: fix WWAN hardware enable state tracking (rh #591622) - core: fix Red Hat initscript return value on double-start (rh #584321) - core: add multicast route entry for IPv4 link-local connections - core: fix connection sharing in cases where a dnsmasq config file exists - core: fix handling of Ad-Hoc wifi connections to indicate correct network - core: ensure VPN interface name is passed to dispatcher when VPN goes down - ifcfg-rh: fix handling of ASCII WEP keys - ifcfg-rh: fix double-quoting of some SSIDs (rh #606518) - applet: ensure deleted connections are actually forgotten (rh #618973) - applet: don't crash if the AP's BSSID isn't availabe (rh #603236) - editor: don't crash on PolicyKit events after windows are closed (rh #572466)- core: fix nm-online crash (rh #593677) - core: fix failed suspend disables network (rh #589108) - core: print out missing firmware errors (rh #594578) - applet: fix device descriptions for some mobile broadband devices - keyfile: bluetooth fixes - applet: updated translations (rh #589230)- core: use GIO in local mode only (rh #588745) - core: updated translations (rh #589230) - core: be more lenient in IPv6 RDNSS server expiry (rh #590202) - core: fix headers to be C++ compatible (rh #592783) - applet: updated translations (rh #589230) - applet: lock connections with well-known SSIDs to their specific AP- core: fix handling of IPv6 RA flags when router goes away (rh #588560) - bluetooth: fix crash configuring DUN connections from the wizard (rh #590666)- core: restore initial accept_ra value for IPv6 ignored connections (rh #588619) - bluetooth: fix bad timeout on PAN connections (rh #586961) - applet: updated translations- core: treat missing IPv6 configuration as ignored (rh #588814) - core: don't flush IPv6 link-local routes (rh #587836) - cli: update output formatting- core: allow IP configuration as long as one method completes (rh #567978) - core: don't prematurely remove IPv6 RDNSS nameservers (rh #588192) - core: ensure router advertisements are only used when needed (rh #588613) - editor: add IPv6 gateway editing capability- core: IPv6 autoconf, DHCP, link-local, and manual mode fixes - editor: fix saving IPv6 address in user connections- core: fix crash when IPv6 is enabled and interface is deactivated- core: fix issues with IPv6 router advertisement mishandling (rh #530670) - core: many fixes for IPv6 RA and DHCP handling (rh #538499) - core: ignore WWAN ethernet devices until usable (rh #585214) - ifcfg-rh: fix handling of WEP passphrases (rh #581718) - applet: fix crashes (rh #582938) (rh #582428) - applet: fix crash with multiple concurrent authorization requests (rh #585405) - editor: allow disabling IPv4 on a per-connection basis - editor: add support for IPv6 DHCP-only configurations- core: fix crash during install (rh #581794) - wifi: fix crash when supplicant segfaults after resume (rh #538717) - ifcfg-rh: fix MTU handling for wired connections (rh #569319) - applet: fix display of disabled mobile broadband devices- core: fix automatic WiFi connections on resume (rh #578141)- core: more flexible logging - core: fix crash with OLPC mesh devices after suspend - applet: updated translations - applet: show mobile broadband signal strength and technology in the icon - applet: fix continuous password requests for 802.1x connections (rh #576925) - applet: many updated translations- core: fix modem enable/disable - core: fix modem default route handling- core: don't exit early on non-fatal state file errors - core: fix Bluetooth connection issues (rh #572340) - applet: fix some translations (rh #576056) - applet: better feedback when wrong PIN/PUK is entered - applet: many updated translations - applet: PIN2 unlock not required for normal modem functionality - applet: fix wireless secrets dialog display- man: many manpage updates - core: determine classful prefix if non is given via DHCP - core: ensure /etc/hosts is always up-to-date and correct (rh #569914) - core: support GSM network and roaming preferences - applet: startup speed enhancements - applet: better support for OTP/token-based WiFi connections (rh #526383) - applet: show GSM and CDMA registration status and signal strength when available - applet: fix zombie GSM and CDMA devices in the menu - applet: remove 4-character GSM PIN/PUK code limit - applet: fix insensitive WiFi Create... button (rh #541163) - applet: allow unlocking of mobile devices immediately when plugged in- core: update to final 0.8 release - core: fix Bluetooth DUN connections when secrets are needed - ifcfg-rh: add helper for initscripts to determine ifcfg connection UUIDs - applet: fix Bluetooth connection secrets requests - applet: fix rare conflict with other gnome-bluetooth plugins- core: fix mobile broadband PIN handling (rh #543088) (rh #560742) - core: better handling of /etc/hosts if hostname was already added by the user - applet: crash less on D-Bus property errors (rh #557007) - applet: fix crash entering wired 802.1x connection details (rh #556763)- core: validate the autostart .desktop file - build: fix nmcli for the stricter ld (fixes FTBFS) - build: fix nm-connection-editor for the stricter ld (fixes FTBFS) - applet: don't autostart in KDE on F13+ (#541353)- core: add Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking (DUN) support (rh #136663) - core: start DHCPv6 on receipt of RA 'otherconf'/'managed' bits - nmcli: allow enable/disable of WiFi and WWAN- ifcfg-rh: read and write DHCPv6 enabled connections (rh #429710) - nmcli: update- core: clean NSS up later to preserve errors from crypto_init()- core: support for managed-mode DHCPv6 (rh #429710) - ifcfg-rh: gracefully handle missing PREFIX/NETMASK - cli: initial preview of command-line client - applet: add --help to explain what the applet is (rh #494641)- build: fix for new pppd (rh #548520) - core: add WWAN enable/disable functionality - ifcfg-rh: IPv6 addressing and routes support (rh #523288) - ifcfg-rh: ensure connection is updated when route/key files change - applet: fix crash when active AP isn't found (rh #546901) - editor: fix crash when editing connections (rh #549579)- core: fix recognition of standalone 802.1x private keys - applet: clean notification text to ensure it passes libnotify validation- core: remove haldaemon from initscript dependencies (rh #542078) - core: handle PEM certificates without an ending newline (rh #507315) - core: fix rfkill reporting for ipw2x00 devices - core: increase PPPoE timeout to 30 seconds - core: fix re-activating system connections with secrets - core: fix crash when deleting automatically created wired connections - core: ensure that a VPN's DNS servers are used when sharing the VPN connection - ifcfg-rh: support routes files (rh #507307) - ifcfg-rh: warn when device will be managed due to missing HWADDR (rh #545003) - ifcfg-rh: interpret DEFROUTE as never-default (rh #528281) - ifcfg-rh: handle MODE=Auto correctly - rpm: fix rpmlint errors - applet: don't crash on various D-Bus and other errors (rh #545011) (rh #542617) - editor: fix various PolicyKit-related crashes (rh #462944) - applet+editor: notify user that private keys must be protected- nm: better pidfile handing (rh #517362) - nm: save WiFi and Networking enabled/disabled states across reboot - nm: fix crash with missing VPN secrets (rh #532084) - applet: fix system connection usage from the "Connect to hidden..." dialog - applet: show Bluetooth connections when no other devices are available (rh #532049) - applet: don't die when autoconfigured connections can't be made (rh #532680) - applet: allow system administrators to disable the "Create new wireless network..." menu item - applet: fix missing username connecting to VPNs the second time - applet: really fix animation stuttering - editor: fix IP config widget tooltips - editor: allow unlisted countries in the mobile broadband wizard (rh #530981) - ifcfg-rh: ignore .rpmnew files (rh #509621)- nm: fix PPPoE connection authentication (rh #532862)- install: better fix for (rh #526519) - install: don't build Bluetooth bits on s390 (rh #529854) - nm: wired 802.1x connection activation fixes - nm: fix crash after modifying default wired connections like "Auto eth0" - nm: ensure VPN secrets are requested again after connection failure - nm: reset 'accept_ra' to previous value after deactivating IPv6 connections - nm: ensure random netlink events don't interfere with IPv6 connection activation - ifcfg-rh: fix writing out LEAP connections - ifcfg-rh: recognize 'static' as a valid BOOTPROTO (rh #528068) - applet: fix "could not find required resources" error (rh #529766)- install: fix -gnome package pre script failures (rh #526519) - nm: fix failures validating private keys when using the NSS crypto backend - applet: fix crashes when clicking on menu but not associated (rh #526535) - editor: fix crash editing wired 802.1x settings - editor: fix secrets retrieval when editing connections- nm: fix connection takeover when carrier is not on - nm: handle certificate paths (CA chain PEM files are now fully usable) - nm: defer action for 4 seconds when wired carrier drops - ifcfg-rh: fix writing WPA passphrases with odd characters - editor: fix editing of IPv4 settings with new connections (rh #525819) - editor: fix random crashes when editing due to bad widget refcounting - applet: debut reworked menu layout (not final yet...)- Install GConf schemas- nm: allow disconnection of all device types - nm: ensure that wired connections are torn down when their hardware goes away - nm: fix crash when canceling a VPN's request for secrets - editor: fix issues changing connections between system and user scopes - editor: ensure changes are thrown away when editing is canceled - applet: ensure connection changes are noticed by NetworkManager - applet: fix crash when creating new connections - applet: actually use wired 802.1x secrets after they are requested- nm: IPv6 zeroconf support and fixes - nm: port to polkit (rh #499965) - nm: fixes for ehea devices (rh #511304) (rh #516591) - nm: work around PPP bug causing bogus nameservers for mobile broadband connections - editor: fix segfault with "Unlisted" plans in the mobile broadband assistant- nm: add iSCSI support - nm: add connection assume/takeover support for ethernet (rh #517333) - nm: IPv6 fixes - nm: re-add OLPC XO-1 mesh device support (removed with 0.7.0) - applet: better WiFi dialog focus handling- Add patch to fix service detection on phones- nm: IPv6 support for manual & router-advertisement modes- Move some big docs to -devel to save space- Update to upstream 'master' branch - Use modem-manager for better 3G modem support - Integrated system settings with NetworkManager itself - Use udev instead of HAL- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- applet: fix certificate validation in hidden wifi networks dialog (rh #508207)- nm: fixes for ZTE/Onda modem detection - nm: prevent re-opening serial port when the SIM has a PIN - applet: updated translations - editor: show list column headers- nm: fix serial port settings- nm: fix AT&T Quicksilver modem connections (rh #502002) - nm: fix support for s390 bus types (rh #496820) - nm: fix detection of some CMOtech modems - nm: handle unsolicited wifi scans better - nm: resolv.conf fixes when using DHCP and overriding search domains - nm: handle WEP and WPA passphrases (rh #441070) - nm: fix removal of old APs when none are scanned - nm: fix Huawei EC121 and EC168C detection and handling (rh #496426) - applet: save WEP and WPA passphrases instead of hashed keys (rh #441070) - applet: fix broken notification bubble actions - applet: default to WEP encryption for Ad-Hoc network creation - applet: fix crash when connection editor dialogs are canceled - applet: add a mobile broadband provider wizard- drop ExcludeArch s390 s390x, we need at least the header files- nm-save-the-leases.patch: Use per-connection lease files, and don't delete them on interface deactivate.- ifcfg-rh: fix problems noticing changes via inotify (rh #495884)- ifcfg-rh: enable write support for wired and wifi connections- nm: update to 0.7.1 - nm: fix startup race with HAL causing unmanaged devices to sometimes be managed (rh #494527)- nm: fix recognition of Option GT Fusion and Option GT HSDPA (nozomi) devices (rh #494069) - nm: fix handling of spaces in DHCP 'domain-search' option - nm: fix detection of newer Option 'hso' devices - nm: ignore low MTUs returned by broken DHCP servers- Update to 0.7.1-rc4 - nm: use PolicyKit for system connection secrets retrieval - nm: correctly interpret errors returned from chmod(2) when saving keyfile system connections - editor: use PolicyKit to get system connection secrets- nm: fix crashes with out-of-tree modules that provide no driver link (rh #492246) - nm: fix USB modem probing on recent udev versions- nm: fix communication with Option GT Max 3.6 mobile broadband cards - nm: fix communication with Huawei mobile broadband cards (rh #487663) - nm: don't look up hostname when HOSTNAME=localhost unless asked (rh #490184) - nm: fix crash during IP4 configuration (rh #491620) - nm: ignore ONBOOT=no for minimal ifcfg files (f9 & f10 only) (rh #489398) - applet: updated translations- nm: work around unhandled device removals due to missing HAL events (rh #484530) - nm: improve handling of multiple modem ports - nm: support for Sony Ericsson F3507g / MD300 and Dell 5530 - applet: updated translations- Missing ONBOOT should actually mean ONBOOT=yes (rh #489422)- Fix conflict with NetworkManager-openconnect (rh #489271) - Fix possible crash when resynchronizing devices if HAL restarts- nm: make default wired "Auto ethX" connection modifiable if an enabled system settings plugin supports modifying connections (rh #485555) - nm: manpage fixes (rh #447233) - nm: CVE-2009-0365 - GetSecrets disclosure - applet: CVE-2009-0578 - local users can modify the connection settings - applet: fix inability to choose WPA Ad-Hoc networks from the menu - ifcfg-rh: add read-only support for WPA-PSK connections- Fix getting secrets for system connections (rh #486696) - More compatible modem autodetection - Better handle minimal ifcfg files- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Use IFF_LOWER_UP for carrier detect instead of IFF_RUNNING - Add small delay before probing cdc-acm driven mobile broadband devices- Fix PEAP version selection in the applet (rh #468844) - Match hostname behavior to 'network' service when hostname is localhost (rh #441453)- Fix 'noreplace' for nm-system-settings.conf- Update to 0.7.1rc1 - nm: support for Huawei E160G mobile broadband devices (rh #466177) - nm: fix misleading routing error message (rh #477916) - nm: fix issues with 32-character SSIDs (rh #485312) - nm: allow root to activate user connections - nm: automatic modem detection with udev-extras - nm: massive manpage rewrite - applet: fix crash when showing the CA certificate ignore dialog a second time - applet: clear keyring items when deleting a connection - applet: fix max signal strength calculation in menu (rh #475123) - applet: fix VPN export (rh #480496)- applet: fix blank VPN connection message bubbles - applet: better handling of VPN routing on update - applet: silence pointless warning (rh #484136) - applet: desensitize devices in the menu until they are ready (rh #483879) - nm: Expose WINS servers in the IP4Config over D-Bus - nm: Better handling of GSM Mobile Broadband modem initialization - nm: Handle DHCP Classless Static Routes (RFC 3442) - nm: Fix Mobile Broadband and PPPoE to always use 'noauth' - nm: Better compatibility with older dual-SSID AP configurations (rh #445369) - nm: Mark nm-system-settings.conf as config (rh #465633) - nm-tool: Show VPN connection information - ifcfg-rh: Silence message about ignoring loopback config (rh #484060) - ifcfg-rh: Fix issue with wrong gateway for system connections (rh #476089)- Update to 0.7.1 pre-release - Allow connections to be ignored when determining the default route (rh #476089) - Own /usr/share/gnome-vpn-properties (rh #477155) - Fix log flooding due to netlink errors (rh #459205) - Pass connection UUID to dispatcher scripts via the environment - Fix possible crash after deactivating a VPN connection - Fix issues with editing wired 802.1x connections - Fix issues when using PKCS#12 certificates with 802.1x connections- API and documentation updates - Fix PIN handling on 'hso' mobile broadband devices- Fix PIN/PUK issues with high-speed Option HSDPA mobile broadband cards - Fix desensitized OK button when asking for wireless keys- Fix issues reading ifcfg files - Previously fixed: - Doesn't send DHCP hostname (rh #469336) - 'Auto eth0' forgets settings (rh #468612) - DHCP renewal sometimes breaks VPN (rh #471852) - Connection editor menu item in the wrong place (rh #471495) - Cannot make system-wide connections (rh #471308)- Update to NetworkManager 0.7.0 RC2 - Handle gateways on a different subnet from the interface - Clear VPN secrets on connection failure to ensure they are requested again (rh #429287) - Add support for PKCS#12 private keys (rh #462705) - Fix mangling of VPN's default route on DHCP renew - Fix type detection of qemu/kvm network devices (rh #466340) - Clear up netmask/prefix confusion in the connection editor - Make the secrets dialog go away when it's not needed - Fix inability to add system connections (rh #471308)- More reliable mobile broadband card initialization - Handle mobile broadband PINs correctly when PPP passwords are also used - Additional PolicyKit integration for editing system connections - Close the applet menu if a keyring password is needed (rh #353451)- Fix issues with hostname during anaconda installation (rh #461933) - Fix Ad-Hoc WPA connections (rh #461197) - Don't require gnome-panel or gnome-panel-devel (rh #427834) - Fix determination of WPA encryption capabilities on some cards - Fix conflicts with PPTP and vpnc plugins - Allow .cer file extensions when choosing certificates- Fix conflicts for older PPTP VPN plugins- Ensure that mobile broadband cards are powered up before trying to use them - Hostname changing support (rh #441453) - Fix mobile broadband secret requests to happen less often - Better handling of default devices and default routes - Better information in tooltips and notifications - Various UI cleanups; hide widgets that aren't used (rh #465397, rh #465395) - Accept different separators for DNS servers and searches - Make applet's icon accurately reflect signal strength of the current AP- Fix connection comparison that could cause changes to get overwritten (rh #464417)- Fix handling of VPN settings on upgrade (rh #460730, bgo #553465)- Fix hang when reading system connections from ifcfg files- Fix WPA Ad-Hoc connections- Fix parsing of DOMAIN in ifcfg files (rh #459370) - Fix reconnection to mobile broadband networks after an auth failure - Fix recognition of timeouts of PPP during mobile broadband connection - More compatible connection sharing (rh #458625) - Fix DHCP in minimal environments without glibc locale information installed - Add support for Option mobile broadband devices (like iCON 225 and iCON 7.2) - Add IP4 config information to dispatcher script environment - Merge WEP ASCII and Hex key types for cleaner UI - Pre-fill PPPoE password when authentication fails - Fixed some changes not getting saved in the connection editor - Accept both prefix and netmask in the conection editor's IPv4 page- Fix issue with mobile broadband connections that don't require authentication- Expose DHCP-returned options over D-Bus and to dispatcher scripts - Add support for customized static routes - Handle multiple concurrent 3G or PPPoE connections - Fix GSM/CDMA username and password issues - Better handling of unmanaged devices from ifcfg files - Fix timeout handling of errors during 3G connections - Fix some routing issues (rh #456685) - Fix applet crashes after removing a device (rh #457380)- Convert stored IPv4 static IP addresses to new prefix-based scheme automatically - Fix pppd connections to some 3G providers (rh #455348) - Make PPPoE "Show Password" option work - Hide IPv4 config options that don't make sense in certain configurations- Expose server-returned DHCP options via D-Bus - Use avahi-autoipd rather than old built-in IPv4LL implementation - Send hostname to DHCP server if provided (DHCP_HOSTNAME ifcfg option) - Support sending DHCP Client Identifier to DHCP server - Allow forcing 802.1x PEAP Label to '0' - Make connection sharing more robust - Show status for shared and Ad-Hoc connections if no other connection is active- Drop explicit hal dep in -gnome- Move VPN configuration into connection editor - Fix mobile broadband username/password issues - Fix issues with broken rfkill setups (rh #448889) - Honor APN setting for GSM mobile broadband configurations - Fix adding CDMA connections in the connection editor- Update to latest SVN - Enable connection sharing - Respect VPN-provided routes- Move NM later in the shutdown process (rh #449070) - Move libnm-util into a subpackage to allow NM to be removed more easily (rh #351101)- Read global gateway from /etc/sysconfig/network if missing (rh #446527) - nm-system-settings now terminates when dbus goes away (rh #444976)- Fix initial carrier state detection on devices that are already up (rh #134886)- Restore behavior of marking wifi devices as "down" when disabling wireless - Fix a crash on resume when a VPN was active when going to sleep- Fix issues with the Fedora plugin not noticing changes made by system-config-network (rh #444502) - Allow autoconnection of GSM and CDMA connections - Multiple IP address support for user connections - Fixes for Mobile Broadband cards that return line speed on connect - Implement PIN entry for GSM mobile broadband connections - Fix crash when editing unencrypted WiFi connections in the connection editor- Clean up the dispatcher now that it's service is gone (rh #444798)- Fix asking applets for the GSM PIN/PUK- Guess WEP key type in applet when asking for new keys - Correct OK button sensitivity in applet when asking for new WEP keys- Fix issues with Mobile Broadband connections caused by device init race patch- Fix device initialization race that caused ethernet devices to get stuck on startup - Fix PPPoE connections not showing up in the applet - Fix disabled OK button in connection editor some wireless and IP4 settings - Don't exit if HAL isn't up yet; wait for it - Fix a suspend/resume crash- Don't ask for wireless keys when the driver sends disconnect events during association; wait until the entire assocation times out - Replace dispatcher daemon with D-Bus activated callout - Fix parsing of DNS2 and DNS3 ifcfg file items - Execute dispatcher scripts in alphabetical order - Be active at runlevel 2 - Hook up MAC address widgets for wired & wireless; and BSSID widget for wireless - Pre-populate anonymous identity and phase2 widgets correctly - Clear out unused connection keys from GConf- Don't select devices without a default gateway as the default route (rh #437338) - Fill in broadcast address if not specified (rh #443474) - Respect manual VPN IPv4 configuration options - Show Connection Information for the device with the default route only- Add dbus-glib-devel BuildRequires for NetworkManager-glib-devel (rh #442978) - Add PPP settings page to connection editor - Fix a few crashes with PPPoE - Fix active connection state changes that confused clients- Fix build in pppd-plugin- PPPoE authentication fixes - More robust handing of mobile broadband device communications- Honor options from /etc/sysconfig/network for blocking until network is up- Turn on Add/Edit in the connection editor - Don't flush or change IPv6 addresses or routes - Enhance nm-online tool - Some serial communication fixes for mobile broadband- Fix issues with VPN passwords not getting found- Fix builds due to glib2 breakage of GStaticMutex with gcc 4.3- Fix WEP key index handling in UI - Fix handling of NM_CONTROLLED in ifcfg files - Show device managed state in applet menu - Show wireless enabled state in applet menu - Better handling of default DHCP connections for wired devices - Fix loading of connection editor on KDE (rh #435344)- Honor MAC address locking for wired & wireless devices- Show VPN failures - Support Static WEP key indexes - Fix parsing of WEP keys from ifcfg files - Pre-fill wireless security UI bits in connection editor and applet- Grab system settings from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, not from profiles- Fix crashes when returning VPN secrets from the applet to NM- Fix crashes on suspend/resume and exit (rh #437426) - Ensure there's always an option to chose the wired device - Never set default route via an IPv4 link-local addressed device (rh #437338)- Fix DHCP rebind behavior - Preliminary PPPoE support- Fix gnome-icon-theme Requires, should be on gnome subpackage- Honor DHCP rebinds - Multiple active device support - Better error handling of mobile broadband connection failures - Allow use of interface-specific dhclient config files - Recognize system settings which have no TYPE item- Fix crash of nm-system-settings on malformed ifcfg files (rh #434919) - Require gnome-icon-theme to pick up lock.png (rh #435344) - Fix applet segfault after connection removal via connection editor or GConf- Don't create multiple connections for hidden access points - Fix scanning behavior- Rework connection editor connection list- Better handling of changes in the profile directory by the system settings serivce- Enable system settings service - Allow explicit disconnection of mobile broadband devices - Fix applet memory leaks (rh #430178) - Applet Connection Information dialog tweaks (gnome.org #505899) - Filter input characters to passphrase/key entry (gnome.org #332951) - Fix applet focus stealing prevention behavior- Add CDMA mobile broadband support (if supported by HAL) - Rework applet connection and icon handling - Enable connection editor (only for deleting connections)- Fix crash when activating a mobile broadband connection - Better handling of non-SSID-broadcasting APs on kernels that support it (gnome.org #464215) (rh #373841) - Honor DHCP-server provided MTU if present (gnome.org #332953) - Use previous DNS settings if the VPN concentrator doesn't provide any (gnome.org #346833)- Fix WPA passphrase hashing on big endian (PPC, Sparc, etc) (rh #426233)- Fixes to work better with new libnl (rh #401761)- Fix WPA/WPA2 Enterprise Phase2 connections (rh #388471)- Fix applet connection comparison which failed to send connection updated signals to NM in some cases - Make VPN connection applet more robust against plugin failures- 64-bit -Wall compile fixes- Fix applet crash when choosing to ignore the CA certificate (rh #359001) - Fix applet crash when editing VPN properties and VPN connection failures (rh #409351) - Add file filter name in certificate file picker dialog (rh #410201) - No longer start named when starting NM (rh #381571)- Fix upgrading from an earlier rawhide snap- Fix device descriptions shown in applet menu- Fix crash when deactivating VPN connections- Fix crash and potential infinite nag dialog loop when ignoring CA certificates- Fix crash when ignoring CA certificate for EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and EAP-PEAP- Fix connections when picking a WPA Enterprise AP from the menu - Fix issue where applet would provide multiple same connections to NM- Add support for EAP-PEAP (rh #362251) - Fix EAP-TLS private key handling- Clarify naming of WPA & WPA2 Personal encryption options (rh #374861, rh #373831) - Don't require a CA certificate for applicable EAP methods (rh #359001) - Fix certificate and private key handling for EAP-TTLS and EAP-TLS (rh #323371) - Fix applet crash with USB devices (rh #337191) - Support upgrades from NM 0.6.x GConf settings- Fix applet crash with USB devices that don't advertise a product or vendor (rh #337191)- Fix crash when getting WPA secrets (rh #355041)- Bring up ethernet devices by default if no connections are defined (rh #339201) - Fix crash when switching networks or bringing up secrets dialog (rh #353091) - Fix crash when editing VPN connection properties a second time - Fix crash when cancelling the secrets dialog if another connection was activated in the mean time - Fix disembodied notification bubbles (rh #333391)- Handle PEM certificates - Hide WPA-PSK Type combo since it's as yet unused - Fix applet crash when AP security options changed and old secrets are still in the keyring - Fix applet crash connecting to unencrypted APs via the other network dialog- Fix WPA Enterprise connections that use certificates - Better display of SSIDs in the menu- Fix getting current access point - Fix WPA Enterprise connections - Wireless dialog now defaults to sensible choices based on the connection - Tell nscd to restart if needed, don't silently kill it- Suppress excessive GConf updates which sometimes caused secrets to be cleared at the wrong times, causing connections to fail - Various EAP and LEAP related fixes- Make WPA-EAP and Dynamic WEP options connect successfully - Static IPs are now handled correctly in NM itself- Add Dynamic WEP as a supported authentication/security option- Re-enable "Connect to other network" - Switch to new GUI bits for wireless security config and password entry- Add rfkill functionality - Fix applet crash when choosing wired networks from the menu- Fix segfault with deferred connections - Fix default username with vpnc VPN plugin - Hidden SSID fixes- Fix merging of non-SSID-broadcasting APs into a device's scan list - Speed up opening of the applet menu- New snapshot - Add timestamps to networks to connect to last used wireless network - Turn autoconnect on in the applet - Hidden SSID support - Invalidate failed or cancelled connections again - Fix issues with reactivation of the same device - Handle connection updates in the applet (ex. find new VPN connections) - Fix vertical sizing of menu items - Fix AP list on wireless devices other than the first device in the applet - Fix matching of current AP with the right menu item- New snapshot - Add WPA passphrase support to password dialog - Applet now reflects actual VPN behavior of one active connection - Applet now notices VPN active connections on startup - Fix connections with some WPA and WEP keys- New snapshot - VPN support (only vpnc plugin ported at this time)- New snapshot - Make wired device carrier state work in the applet - Fix handling of errors with unencrypted APs - Fix "frozen" applet icon by reporting NM state better - Fix output of AP frequency in nm-tool- New snapshot - Fix applet icon sizing on start (mclasen) - Fix nm-tool installation (mclasen) - Fix 'state' method call return (#303271) - Fix 40-bit WEP keys (again) - Fix loop when secrets were wrong/invalid - Fix applet crash when clicking Cancel in the password dialog - Ensure NM doesn't get stuck waiting for the supplicant to re-appear if it crashes or goes away - Make VPN properties applet work again - Increase timeout for network password entry- New snapshot (fix unencrypted & 40 bit WEP)- New snapshot- New snapshot- New SVN snapshot of 0.7 that sucks less- Update to SVN snapshot of 0.7- Update the license tag- Own /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d and /etc/NetworkManager/VPN (#234004)- Fix Wireless Enabled checkbox when no killswitches are present- Update to stable branch snapshot: - More fixes for ethernet link detection (gnome #354565, rh #194124) - Support for HAL-detected rfkill switches- Fix applet crash on 64-bit platforms when choosing "Connect to other wireless network..." (gnome.org #435036) - Add debug output for ethernet device link changes- Fix ethernet link detection (gnome #354565, rh #194124) - Fix perpetual credentials request with private key passwords in the applet - Sleep a bit before activating wireless cards to work around driver bugs- Don't spawn wpa_supplicant with -o- Fix requires macro (237806)- Update to 0.6.5 final - Don't lose scanned security information- Update from trunk * Updated translations * Cleaned-up VPN properties dialogs * Fix 64-bit kernel leakage issues in WEXT * Don't capture and redirect wpa_supplicant log output- Close private D-Bus connections. (#232691)- Fix a directory ownership issue. (#233763)- Update to pre-0.6.5 snapshot- Guard against D-Bus LimitExceeded messages- Move .so file to -devel package- Own the /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d directory - Require pkgconfig for the -devel packages - Fix compilation with dbus 1.0- Update to a stable branch snapshot - Gnome applet timeout/redraw suppression when idle - Backport of LEAP patch from HEAD (from Thiago Bauermann) - Backport of asynchronous scanning patch from HEAD - Make renaming of VPN connections work (from Tambet Ingo) - Dial down wpa_supplicant debug spew - Cleanup of key/passphrase request scenarios (from Valentine Sinitsyn) - Shut down VPN connections on logout (from Robert Love) - Fix WPA passphrase hashing on PPC- Own /usr/share/NetworkManager and /usr/include/NetworkManager- Don't wake up to redraw if NM is inactive (#204850)- add epochs in requirements- Fix FC-5 buildreqs- Revert FC6 to latest stable NM - Update to stable snapshot - Remove bind/caching-nameserver hard requirement- BuildRequire wireless-tools-devel and perl-XML-Parser - Update the BuildRoot tag- add patch to make networkmanager less verbose (bug 202832)- actually make the patch in 0.7.0-0.cvs20060529.4 apply- Don't ever elect inactive wired devices (bug 194124).- Add patch to fix deprecated dbus functions- Add BR for dbus-glib-devel- rebuild- Update to latest CVS o Gnome.org #333420: dialog do not have window icons o Gnome.org #336913: HIG tweaks for vpn properties pages o Gnome.org #336846: HIG tweaks for nm-vpn-properties o Gnome.org #336847: some bugs in nm-vpn-properties args parsing o Gnome.org #341306: nm-vpn-properties crashes on startup o Gnome.org #341263: Version 0.6.2-0ubuntu5 crashes on nm_device_802_11_wireless_get_type o Gnome.org #341297: displays repeated keyring dialogs on resume from suspend o Gnome.org #342400: Building libnm-util --without-gcrypt results in linker error o Gnome.org #342398: Eleminate Gnome dependency for NetworkManager o Gnome.org #336532: declaration of 'link' shadows a global declaration - Specfile fixes (#rh187489#)- Update to latest CVS - Drop special-case-madwifi.patch, since WEXT code is in madwifi-ng trunk now- use the same 0.6.2 tarball as FC5, so we have the same VPN interface (did he fire ten args, or only nine?)- use the hal device type instead of poking via ioctl so that wireless devices are properly detected even if the kill switch has been used- Update to 0.6.2: * Fix various WPA-related bugs * Clean up leaks * Increased DHCP timeout to account for slow DHCP servers, or STP-enabled switches * Allow applet to reconnect on dbus restarts * Add "Dynamic WEP" support * Allow hiding of password/key entry text * More responsive connection switching- Fix device bringup on resume- Don't let wpa_supplicant perform scanning with non-WPA drivers- Update to 0.6.0 release - Move autostart file to /usr/share/gnome/autostart- updated cvs snapshot. seems to make airo much less neurotic- Move the unversioned libnm_glib.so to the -devel package- Fix VPN-related crash - Fix issue where NM would refuse to activate a VPN connection once it had timed out - Log wpa_supplicant output for better debugging- Tweak three-scan-prune.patch- Don't prune networks until they've gone MIA for three scans, not one.- Update snapshot, which fixes up the libnotify stuff.- Move libnotify requires to NetworkManager-gnome, not core NM package- Add BuildRequires: libnl-devel (#rh179438#) - Fix libnm_glib to not clobber an application's existing dbus connection (#rh177546#, gnome.org #326572) - libnotify support - AP compatibility fixes- Minor bug fixes - Update to VPN dbus API for passing user-defined routes to vpn service- Rebuild- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Workarounds for madwifi/Atheros cards - Do better with non-SSID-broadcasting access points - Fix hangs when access points change settings- Own /var/run/NetworkManager, fix SELinux issues- Switch to autostarting the applet instead of having it be session-managed - Work better with non-broadcasting access points - Add more manufacturer default SSIDs to the blacklist- Longer association timeout - Fix some SELinux issues - General bug and cosmetic fixes- Snapshot from CVS - WPA Support! Woohoo!- rebuilt- rebuild for new dbus- Don't kill the network connection when you upgrade the package.- Split out the -glib subpackage to have a -glib-devel package as well - Add epoch to version requirements for bind and wireless-tools - Update URL of project- NetworkManager 0.5.1- NetworkManager 0.5.0- Fix automatic wireless connections - Remove usage of NMLoadModules callout, no longer needed - Try to fix deadlock when menu is down and keyring dialog pops up- Update to latest CVS o Integrate connection progress with applet icon (Chris Aillon) o More information in "Connection Information" dialog (Robert Love) o Shorten time taken to sleep o Make applet icon wireless strength levels a bit more realistic o Talk to named using DBUS rather than spawning our own - You need to add "-D" to the OPTIONS line in /etc/sysconfig/named - You need to set named to start as a service on startup- Update to current CVS to fix issues with routing table and /sbin/ip- update to current CVS and rebuild (workaround for #168120)- Fix occasional hang in NM caused by the applet- Update to NetworkManager 0.4.1- Rebuild against new cairo/gtk- Update to latest CVS o Use DHCP server address as gateway address if the DHCP server doesn't give us a gateway address #rh165698# o Fixes to the applet (Robert Love) o Better caching of information in the applet (Bill Moss) o Generate automatic suggested Ad-Hoc network name from machine's hostname (Robert Love) o Update all network information on successfull connect, not just authentication method- Update to latest CVS to get fix for bug 165683.- Move pkgconfig file to devel package (#162316, thanks to Michael Schwendt)- Update to latest CVS to get latest VPN interface settings to satisfy BuildReq for NetworkManager-vpnc in Fedora Extras Development - Latest CVS also contains various bug- and UI-fixes- Update to latest CVS o VPN connection import/export capability o Fix up some menu item names - Move nm-vpn-properties.glade to the gnome subpackage- Update to latest CVS o Clean up wording in Wireless Network Discovery menu o Robert Love's applet beautify patch- Update to latest CVS- Fix dispatcher and applet CFLAGS so they gets compiled with FORTIFY_SOURCE- Fix segfault in NetworkManagerDispatcher, add an initscript for it- Fix condition that may have resulted in DHCP client returning success when it really timed out- Enable OK button correctly in Passphrase and Other Networks dialogs when using ASCII or Hex WEP keys- #rh154391# NetworkManager dies on startup (don't force-kill nifd)- Fix leak of a socket in DHCP code- Fix some memory leaks (Tom Parker) - Join to threads rather than spinning for their completion (Tom Parker) - Fix misuse of a g_assert() (Colin Walters) - Fix return checking of an ioctl() (Bill Moss) - Better detection and matching of hidden access points (Bill Moss) - Don't use varargs, and therefore don't crash on PPC (Peter Jones)- fix build with newer dbus- silence %post- #rh153234# NetworkManager quits/cores just as a connection is made- Update from latest CVS HEAD- Update the GTK+ theme icon cache on (un)install- Pull from latest CVS HEAD- Upload new source tarball (woops)- Pull from latest CVS HEAD (hopefully works again)- Pull from latest CVS HEAD - Commit broken NetworkManager to satisfy to dbus dependency- Pull from latest CVS HEAD - Rebuild for gcc 4.0- Update from CVS- Fix free of invalid pointer for multiple search domains- Never automatically choose a device that doesn't support carrier detection - Add right-click menu to applet, can now "Pause/Resume" scanning through it - Fix DHCP Renew/Rebind timeouts - Fix frequency cycling problem on some cards, even when scanning was off - Play better with IPv6 - Don't send kernel version in DHCP packets, and ensure DHCP packets are at least 300 bytes in length to work around broken router - New DHCP options D-BUS API by Dan Reed - Handle multiple domain search options in DHCP responses- Display wireless network name in applet tooltip - Hopefully fix double-default-route problem - Write out valid resolv.conf when we exit - Make multi-domain search options work - Rework signal strength code to be WEXT conformant, if strength is still wierd then its 95% surely a driver problem - Fix annoying instances of suddenly dropping and reactivating a wireless device (Cisco cards were worst offenders here) - Fix some instances of NetworkManager not remembering your WEP key - Fix some races between NetworkManager and NetworkManagerInfo where NetworkManager wouldn't recognize changes in the allowed list - Don't shove Ad-Hoc Access Point MAC addresses into GConf- Play nice with dbus 0.23 - Update our list of Allowed Wireless Networks more quickly- Update to latest CVS - Make sure we start as late as possible so that we ensure dbus & HAL are already around - Fix race in initial device activation- rebuilt against new wireless tool- Fix issue where NM wouldn't recognize that access points were encrypted, and then would try to connect without encryption - Refine packaging to put client library in separate package - Remove bind+caching-nameserver dep for FC-3, use 'nscd -i hosts' instead. DNS queries may timeout now right after device activation due to this change.- Update to latest CVS - Fixes to DHCP code - Link-Local (ZeroConf/Rendezvous) support - Use bind in "caching-nameserver" mode to work around stupidity in glibc's resolver library not recognizing resolv.conf changes - #rh144818# Clean up the specfile (Patch from Matthias Saou) - Ad-Hoc mode support with Link-Local addressing only (for now) - Fixes for device activation race conditions - Wireless scanning in separate thread- Update to CVS - Updates to link detection, DHCP code - Remove NMLaunchHelper so we start up faster and don't block for a connection. This means services that depend on the network may fail if they start right after NM - Make sure DHCP renew/rebinding works- Update to CVS - Fixes to link detection - Better detection of non-ESSID-broadcasting access points - Don't dialog-spam the user if a connection fails- Update to CVS - Much better link detection, works with Open System authentication - Blacklist wireless cards rather than whitelisting them- #rh134893# NetworkManagerInfo and the panel-icon life-cycle - #rh134895# Status icon should hide when in Wired-only mode - #rh134896# Icon code needs rewrite - #rh134897# "Other Networks..." dialog needs implementing - #rh135055# Menu highlights incorrectly in NM - #rh135648# segfault with cipsec0 - #rh135722# NetworkManager will not allow zaurus to sync via usb0 - #rh135999# NetworkManager-0.3.1 will not connect to 128 wep - #rh136866# applet needs tooltips - #rh137047# lots of applets, yay! - #rh137341# Network Manager dies after disconnecting from wired network second time - Better checking for wireless devices - Fix some memleaks - Fix issues with dhclient declining an offered address - Fix an activation thread deadlock - More accurately detect "Other wireless networks" that are encrypted - Don't bring devices down as much, won't hotplug-spam as much anymore about firmware - Add a "network not found" dialog when the user chooses a network that could not be connected to- Fix escaping of ESSIDs in gconf- minor point release to improve error handling and translations- Update from CVS, version 0.3- Update from CVS - Improvements: o Better link checking on wireless cards o Panel applet now a Notification Area icon o Static IP configuration support- Update from CVS- Require gnome-panel, not gnome-panel-devel - Turn off by default- Update to 0.2- spec-changes to req glib2 instead of glib- First public releaseNetworkManager1:1.39.90-1.el81:1.39.90-1.el81:1.5.3.build-id01095b75b3d3a7dcc656f3ecb5a06037879b05348aa78a4a5917f7090c0cb65ac6c1f1345f171618libnm-ppp-plugin.sonm-pppd-plugin.so/usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id//usr/lib/.build-id/01//usr/lib/.build-id/8a//usr/lib64/NetworkManager/1.39.90-1.el8//usr/lib64/pppd/2.4.7/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=01095b75b3d3a7dcc656f3ecb5a06037879b0534, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8aa78a4a5917f7090c0cb65ac6c1f1345f171618, strippedPRR RRRR R R R RRRRRRR RRRR R R R RRRRRutf-862a9300fae06655eb2ccc688d066dcee6f838367b67d35040090481d7fbc3e5b?7zXZ !#,R] b2u jӫ`(y-6ں| X@9,D_.\v Z;#2HZ5TF Ylݹ};i\{wdG;j?y T?/)\to @/H1X/[CRX "C$Ԃ)95"!k_j st15LS2BۢZIyopro0Ws/K=-g!m) cMpˢx֘wCUUzߨƫvD~bZ{B԰ouBcgdMb0 ylIbʩrS7tk$olƪ+u! r S`(~V`Xɏ+AvW_.$`Ρ;eX&.ChW gGz]S˝c`~MhcNrKA ] f5WVrQ,θ62ejbnڰW[j& Ў¼&']ʬ;#moKvȫRPN{p ,ك SGeR7:) mo^oA (;q 1yݻ&(ςCL`73 nn8CTSe0¬#Qjȋi7TՍ=hg=LcMMpA.L9rZODWYI>gAA{ἁV={^σA5EO@YT@cQx%|*ԖsOgZ"ZB 3 YHj!$}?0ݛ|k.~v2Cb%h44O4K`r+!r2xX2<y8Yz8|aJ|'nx?"ʺTk0Ms|爢TjDwxZOfBrM L`P >o}Fmuyð$#ۦo'~f0 gًUS=[WgP$G*:OK:mr|h`JJa9+Ǣ6 \#t1s~hE1{ϕR%ي.2L|KgX8قgZLK_k G>m9e.y?!ok%*Y.%9etw<\n# ;ֹ{u-Y4en))%F_L^6yur -]&sLq{iVGQ{ fj]MuTfˁR2X b]a5{B>-*x[%@n Ds$8kFS(*b1z̀u %7꼱[AKO8uBnz^~ %qa:mmP9+Jzac읔ɿ2Xw#W#? 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Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.cbuilder.remirepo.netU)Remi's RPM repository #StandWithUkrainePHPRemi ColletDevelopment/Debughttps://pecl.php.net/package/parallellinuxx86_64<eTAAAAAAA큤c\mc\mc\mc\mc\mc\mc\mc\mc\mc\m8665c91fcdac4e84df8c4293b12e0f74df99adf99b281036e692dac067187e48../../../.build-id/03/110e31170994d76af7316f97896d7d66094c91../../../../../usr/lib/debug/usr/lib64/php-zts/modules/parallel.so-1.2.1-1.fc38.remi.8.0.x86_64.debugrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootphp-pecl-parallel-1.2.1-1.fc38.remi.8.0.src.rpmdebuginfo(build-id)php-pecl-parallel-debuginfophp-pecl-parallel-debuginfo(x86-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-14.18.0c]cV~@Remi Collet - 1.2.1-1Remi Collet - 1.2.0-1- update to 1.2.1- update to 1.2.0 - raise dependency on PHP 8.0 03110e31170994d76af7316f97896d7d66094c911.2.1-1.fc38.remi. -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=03110e31170994d76af7316f97896d7d66094c91, with debug_info, not strippedPhttps://forum.remirepo.net/php-pecl-parallel-debugsource(x86-64)1.2.1-1.fc38.remi.8.0utf-83f881fa6ae22226e6ce9c6698c01b86a764cfb4edf0a383c43bc695d4e0d6a59php:remi-8.0:3820230216074935:00000000fd5cb5a83c4096cdfde8c368c8812eb6b686d90d3ef777faa52447b39e812051?(/h?GKP1kTè? 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